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       You've been dating Jenna McDougall for years now and you're starting to wonder if she's losing interest in you. She seems so busy with planning her band, Tonight Alive's, next tour and writing music that and she barely spends any time with you. You get that it's what she loves and she's dedicated but you feel kind of optional. You decide to confront her about it and find out what's up. "hey uhm... Jenna?" you call out from the living room of the house you two shared. Jenna was in the kitchen making dinner for you both. "Yeah babe? What's wrong?" she replied with her not so strong but obvious, australian accent. "Are you busy? Can we talk for a minute?" Jenna immediately thought of the worst and her heart started to race. She was almost sprinting when she entered the living room of the house you shared. Sitting down and trying to keep her cool she said,  "Of course we can talk, what's wrong?" You began to feel a wave of sadness wash over you as you looked into your girlfriends eyes and saw how concerned she was. "I know you've been busy with planning and writing and all that good stuff but I'm starting to feel like maybe you're too busy for me? I'm starting to feel optional." As soon as the words came out of your mouth something snapped in Jenna. Her eyes went from worried to an undeniably stone cold anger. 

         She stood up off the couch you two were sitting on and yelled "Are you telling me you're more important than my career? Do you think i want to sit in the house all day and do nothing when i could be out touring the world with my best friends? Making a name for us?" She was being unreasonable and you knew it. Her words still cut like knives. Your eyes started to tear and you can see Jenna started to immediately regret what just happened. Before she felt too guilty and apologized she turned around and grabbed her car keys. She headed out the door and seconds later you heard her car start and drive off to an unknown destination.

          You got up from the couch and walked into the kitchen to finish whatever it was Jenna was making. You saw that she had a nice Italian meal planned out and you wondered what the occasion was. Did she get mad because i forgot  a special date? Did she think i was going to break up with her? A million thoughts raced through your head and you began to feel dizzy and decided you needed a nap.  You turned off the stove and left everything in the kitchen where it was and headed up to yours and Jenna's room. You lied on Jenna's side of the bed and a few tears escaped your eyes as you lied on your side and drifted off to sleep. 

         You woke up and looked at the small clock that your girlfriend always kept next to her pillow on the small, white, night table that was identical to the one on your side. You've slept for almost four hours and it was late. You rolled out of bed and put on your slippers. Without bothering to make the bed you walked out of your room and back downstairs into the kitchen. Your Italian food was cooked and plated for two on the table across in the dining room. "Jenna?" You call out only to get no response. Obviously someone had to finish dinner so you walked around the house looking for your girlfriend. 

          You found her in her music room just sitting in her favorite computer chair, she it claimed was the most comfortable chair in the world, with her back facing the room. You snuck in without her noticing and walked up behind her to see what she was doing. You looked over her shoulder and saw, to your surprise, she was texting your mom. 

[M: your mom J: Jenna]

J: I've really fucked up this time...

M: uh oh, what'd you do?

J: I was making us a fancy dinner to tell y/n about the progress I'v been making with the band and she was trying to talk to me about how busy i've been and how she was starting to feel optional to me and I've been so stressed about all my work something just snapped. I yelled at her and before i could feel guilty and apologize i walked out and drove to Whakaio's.

M: Jen, you know y/n. You know she loves you. Apologize to her and maybe buy her some skittles. Show her how much she means to you. Watch a movie with her and lay on the couch, you know what she likes. Make it up to her, but you have to mean it and make sure she knows you do. 

J: I'll try that. I will keep in touch and let you know how things work out. Thank you.

          You didn't realize it but you were reading the entire conversation. As Jenna put her phone down and start to sit up you took a few steps back and made it look like you were just walking in. She turned around and asked "Did you just wake up?" "Yeah... i did." You responded, almost able to feel how awkward things were between you two, which was unusual. "Well, did you sleep good?" Jenna asked looking a bit concerned. "No not really" you said lowering your head. She frowned and just said she will be right back. You didn't say anything else as Jenna got up and walked down stairs grabbing her car keys once again and leaving. You walked downstairs smiling to yourself knowing the sweet apology you hoped was coming. 

[A/N let me know in the comments if i should continue to Jenna's apology/attempt to make it up to y/n! Also, should y/n forgive Jenna, or make her work for her forgiveness?]          

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