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*about an hour later*

You were sitting on the couch watching mean girls for the one millionth time, to pass some while Jenna was out when you heard the locks on the door turn and saw the door crack open. Behind it was your gorgeous girlfriend who appeared to be struggling to open the door. "Babe? Do you need any help? What is that?" you call out to Jenna, while smirking to yourself. "uh.. no, no. I'm good. I got it. Thanks, though." You laughed a little at Jenna's behavior. "Okay. Let me know if you need me!" You yelled back.

Since it didn't seem like Jenna was going to make it inside any time soon, and it was now after midnight, you decided to go to bed and face the surprise in the morning. You walk up stairs, take off your pants, and climb into your side of the bed leaving room for Jenna. After about twenty minutes of wondering how Jenna was doing and why you decided to take that nap earlier, you finally fell asleep.

You woke up at around 3pm to the sound of Jenna loudly snoring next to you. You rolled over and gave her a quick kiss on the cheek and continued to get out of bed and head to the bathroom. You did your morning ritual: pee, brush your teeth, and put your hair up into a ponytail, and wash your face. You walked back into your room to get dressed when you saw Jenna wasn't there. "No wonder it got quiet." you said to yourself. Before going to look for her, because she was probably just downstairs, you went over to your closet and picked out a very casual black skinny jeans, black, white, and red flannel, and threw on some black vans. The excitement of what Jenna brought home yesterday hit you like a truck when you remembered. You didn't bother to do your hair and left it in it's messy ponytail as you sprinted down the stairs.

"Jennaaaaa?" you called out when you made it to the living room. She didn't answer so you went to go check the kitchen. When you got there, Jenna was in an oversized baseball tee, her "special" underwear, knee high socks, and a messy, neon green, bun on the top of her head as she made what looked like pancakes. "Holy shit." you said out loud. You thought she looked stunning. You walked up behind her and put your hands around her waist. Completely forgetting about the surprise you were looking forward to as you started to kiss her neck and push your hips into her butt. "y/n. Whatcha doin' there, hmm?" Jenna lightly laughed. "What do you think i'm doing? You looking fucking perfect." You whispered into her ear. Lust clear in your voice. Jenna laughed and pushed you off so she can finish the pancakes even though she seemed like that was the last thing she wanted to do.

"i'm making pancakes and then i'm going to get dressed because i have planned the entire day for us." Jenna said, replying to the look of confusion on your face. Then you remembered last night and you gladly took a seat at the kitchen island and waited for the pancakes making small talk with Jenna as she refused to tell you what she had planned. "Can you at least tell me if I'm dressed okay?" you begged for some clues as to what you would be doing later. "Babe, you look amazing. You're always perfect." You blushed at Jenna's words. She brought over the stack of about 4 pancakes. Neither of you were big breakfast people.

As she finished her pancakes Jenna stood up and said "okay, so I'm going to go upstairs and get dressed. Don't go anywhere." She finished her last sentence with a wink, kissed you on the cheek and headed upstairs. "Goddammit, I love that girl so much." You said to yourself. A few minutes later Jenna walked out with her hair still in a bun, and with sweats on. "Woah, i didn't know our plans were gonna be that fancy!" you joked when you saw her. She laughed and said "Well in that case, you look a little underdressed." You smiled and went to your shared room and put on some sweats too figuring your hair was already in a ponytail so why touch it. You came back downstairs and Jenna kissed you hard on the lips. "Damn girl, where are we going?" You smiled as you said it. "You'll have to wait and see." She laughed and gestured to the door allowing you to exit first, smacking your butt on the way out causing you just let out a quick scream and Jenna a glare. "oh c'mon. you know you liked it." she winked. You smiled because you know you did. "Alright y/n! We gotta go! Don't want to miss it!" she exclaimed. "But i don't even know what it is." you said frowning. Jenna shushed you and opened your car door. She climbed in the drivers seat and you two headed off you start your day, also known as the afternoon.

[A/N: i feel like nothing ever beats it's first part, and sorry this felt kind of short but let me know what you think and if i should write another chapter about the date(s) Jenna takes y/n on and if you want any smut ;)]

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