Final update :(

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Sooo you're probably gonna get very mad but this will be discontinued.

The reason is because the ending wouldn't satisfy anyone (in my opinion)

But you know what I think you guys should come up with the ending :3

That would be awesome and very interesting.

I would love to read it if you guys make one and if you haven't wrote a story yet or ever wanted to try why not give it a try 

I had fun writing this and I'm so so so so so grateful for all the support you guys gave this story.

Yeah I know you wanna hit me with a bat and yell at me but I'm sorry I just feel like the ending should be up to you :D

Oh yeah if you do end up writing the ending then get my attention so I can read it ;)

Thank chu for reading!

Bye for now

ヾ('・ ・`。)ノ"

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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Sep 21, 2015 ⏰

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