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Well, here we are. The end, at last.

So, I'm going to say right away that if the final portion of the story seems kind of rushed, then I'm sorry. Ultimately, it came down to 'wrap it up quick' or 'take it down'.

Initially, I had WAY more grandiose plans for this novelization. The first thirty chapters or so went mainly how I envisioned them to. But, as anyone who's played the game knows, I left a lot of stuff on the cutting room floor, for which I am sorry. In my experience, people would rather have a rushed and shortened but finished fan fiction than a forever incomplete and deleted one. Obviously, the real preference here is to have it appropriately finished and fully fleshed out but...let me give you a frame of reference here.

In it's present state, State of Decay clocked in at just north of 100,000 words. If it were a mass market paperback novel, it would be around 400 pages. Not exactly an epic, but nothing to sneeze at either, length-wise.

If I was going to do State of Decay in its full and glorious version, it would *easily* be two times that size, maybe two and a half.

And, to be honest, right now, I've just got a lot going on in my life and being very busy, combined with a failing interest in the game itself, kind of forced my hand.

So, if you are a little frustrated with how the story wrapped up...sorry! I try very hard to make people happy with my writing but sometimes some writing gets in the way of other writing. (And my own happiness.)

Thanks for your support.

-S. A. Lusher

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