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How the dragons began has been a mystery among many humans. The dragons themselves, however, know exactly how their species began. It was thanks to the eight Gods of Dragoso.

The first eight dragons of the species started as nothing but ordinary Komodo Dragons on another planet. Due to some unknown magic, they were transformed into dragons four times the size of dragons seen today.

What magic could this have been? Nobody knows for sure. According to the stories passed down through the generations, the Gods as Komodos had been traveling across a lightning field when they were shocked by different colored bolts of lightning representing the eight basic elements: Flower, Fire, Thunder, Ice, Earth, Shadow, Venom and Water. This is what turned them into the breeds they are today. How they became Gods is another story.

Due to their natures, some died protecting their young, others protecting the land, and a certain one from a carefree nature. The Gods are holy creatures, living in a realm together watching over the other dragons of the living world, all but one of them. The Water Dragon God, Leviathonal, didn't know the other Gods personally, he had been on his own during his living years. Leviathonal is the only God who dwells in the living world while the other Gods remained in their realm watching over the dragons of the living world.

However, times are about to change.

The Dragoso Series 3: Power in DarknessWhere stories live. Discover now