Chapter One - Enter Stage Right

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A/N: I don't know. I just really like Teen Wolf & Peter Hale and my friend loves Stiles. This is the byproduct of it.

And I wanted to do something for 200 followers, so here we are.


Warm rays of sunlight flew through the window, as a soft breeze pushed a pair of dark purple curtains around. A discontented noise echoed from the double bed, underneath a mass of purple covers.

"'S too early..." The mass muttered to itself, "'S' far too early."

Rolling over, a young woman's face emerged from the covers. Dark, wavy hair was sprawled over her head and she blew a strand out of her face. Sighing as it simply fell back into place, she began to get out of the bed, yawning massively as she did.

With a long stretch, she dug her toes into the pale, cream carpet, relishing in the softness. Then she paused, grabbing her phone from the dark oak cabinet, and heading out of the bedroom door.

Sleepily, she plodded down the pale hallway, down a flight of creaky wooden stairs, and into the kitchen.

It wasn't the largest, but it was still big enough for everything she needed. A long counter wound its way around the back wall, passing a small window, that looked out onto a green garden, and connecting to the wall on the left. Furthest away from the window, at the end of the counter, sat a tall, black fridge-freezer, with white stripes and an ice dispenser. A double hob, black oven lay on the opposite end of the counter.

Pattering over to the fridge, she pulled out some bread from the bread bin next to it and shoved it into the toaster. Leaning against the counter, she closed her eyes, crossing her arms as she did.

"Morning, 'Lis." Her younger sister greeted, to which the other simply nodded.

"Well aren't you a happy bunny today." She commented.
"It's too early for this, Louise. Honestly, I don't even know how I got through high school." Elisa shook her head, sighing deeply.

"If it helps, I don't know how I'm getting through high school right now. Seriously, I'm failing Mathematics."

Snorting in response, the dark haired girl grimaced, "I would help, but I barely passed my own. Never mind adding all that imaginary numbers and crap."

"True." Louise replied, pointing her spoon at the toaster, "Try not to burn the bread."

Sighing, Elisa pulled out the now toasted bread and shoved it onto a plate. Once she had added some butter, she plonked herself into the chair opposite her sister and began to chomp on her toast.

"What are you even eating?"
"Kraves. Why? Is there a problem with that?" She replied defensively.
"Well, yeah. We're nearly run out."
"So? We can just get some more." With that said, Louise finished her breakfast and stood, dumping her bowl in the empty sink, "I'll get some on the way home. It'll be fine, 'Lis."

"If you're, like, killed, it's not my fault, alright?" Her sky blue eyes twinkled with humour as she spoke and her sister simply rolled her eyes.
"Yeah, whatever." Flicking her fiery hair, Louise strutted off to prepare for school.

Raising her eyebrows, Elisa sighed, muttering a simple, "Whatever.", to herself. Ditching her plate into the sink, she slunk upstairs, crashing back onto her bed as she entered her room.

"It's still too early."
"IT'S 8:34! THAT'S NOT EARLY!" Louise's voice called from a few rooms over and, in return, her eyes rolled.

Why do I have to deal with intrusive werewolves? She thought to herself, Anything but werewolves.

A/N: First chapter, what do you think??

I kinda like the dynamic that the sisters have but don't worry, it is not gonna be like this throughout the story.

They are gonna do more fun and important things (*cough cough* like fighting an alpha pack *cough cough*)

Anyway, hope you enjoyed. Please, lemme know what you thought about it. And, yeah.

Au revouir!

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