Part 1

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It was late one night when Cynthia was jolted awake out of her sleep from a terrible nightmare. She sat up in her bed startled. She was looking around her room as if whatever was in her nightmare had escaped into the very room she was in.

Outside the wind was blowing forcefully, knocking the branches from the trees into her window making a scrapping sound as it did. Chills went over her body. The moonlight dimly lit part of her bedroom. Shadows danced across the walls around her.

She quickly reached over to her nightstand and turned on her lamp. It lit up the room and most of the shadows faded away. She breathed a sigh of relief as she became more comfortable and less scared from the nightmare she was just in. She threw her legs over her bed and slid into her slippers. She got up out of her bed and waked out her room into the hallway. She lived alone and after having a nightmare she was still a bit on each just because of that fact. She could still hear the wind whipping around outside as she walked through her house towards her kitchen.

Once she was in her kitchen she opened her cabinet and grabbed a glass. She opened her refrigerator, pulled out a pitcher and started pouring some water. Something hit her kitchen window with such force that it felt like it shook the room. She dropped the pitcher and water flooded the floor.

"Dammit." She sat her cup down and then pulled out some newspaper and laid it over the soaked floor. She decided to have a cigarette to calm her nerves down. So she picked up her glass of cold water and headed outside.

Once she got outside, she pulled out her cigarettes and took one out of the box. She lit it and blew out a puff of smoke. She let out a slight sigh then gazed up into the dark sky. It was a clear night but very windy. She had to pull her robe around her several times because the wind was so strong. She could see many stares glittering in the sky. They shimmered and illuminated the darkened sky, giving it a bit of light here and there. It was a full moon out and it hovered above her ever so brightly. It seemed beautiful but all too eerie at the same time.

As she smoked her cigarette she walked around her front yard while looking up at the star filled sky. The grass was irritating her feet, so she walked on over to her driveway. She continued to look up into the vast night sky.

Then suddenly, without warning, something darted out in front of her. All she saw was the shadow at first, which caught her off guard. She jerked backwards a bit, nearly dropping her glass of water. Looking around her, she saw the shadow of something at the top of her driveway but couldn't make it out. Then it was as if the shadow started to lift and she saw what it was. A black cat hunched over starring at her.

Her heart was racing but she started to calm down a bit when she noticed what it was. She starred at the eerie looking black cat for a while and it just stared back at her with its pale green eyes. He didn't move at all, make a sound or take its eyes of her.

"Stupid cat," she called out to it. She puffed on her cigarette again and looked off from the cat. A few seconds later she looked back towards the cat, but it was gone. "Must've just run off," she thought to herself.

Then she looked down and the cat was right there standing next to her feet. She screamed and jumped backwards, tripping over her own feet and falling down to the pavement. She hit the ground hard and so did her glass as it shattered on impact.

Her cigarette had flown out of her hand and she wasn't concerned about where it was at the moment. Then she felt a burning sensation on her lap. She quickly glanced down at her lap and saw the cigarette burning through her clothes and scorching her thigh. She instantly knocked it off and glared at the open spot in her pajamas now. The area burned and she could now see the sore starting to form on her thigh.

When she looked up again the cat had vanished. It was gone again. "What the hell," she protested.

She balanced herself and got up swiftly to her feet. Then she felt something warm crawling down the side of her hand. "I can't take much more of this." She glanced down at her hand and saw blood dripping down off her fingers. "Dammit," she cursed. "That stupid cat made me cut myself."

She looked over her wounded hand trying to discover where the gash was. She couldn't find it because of the blood that was running out. She grabbed it with her other hand squeezing it tightly. Then suddenly she heard a MEOW from behind her. With haste she turned around only to see the cat standing right behind her, gazing up at her with those strange pale green eyes.

Instantly she became terrified. She freaked out and stumbles backwards while screaming. She took off running for her front door. She bolted inside and closed the door behind her, and then she locked it. She leaned up against it, breathing heavily now out of breath.

Her heart was beating rapidly through her chest. She could hear it in her ears. BUMP BUMP.....BUMP BUMP.... BUMP BUMP! She was more scared now than when she first woke up from her nightmare.

Still breathing heavily, she tried to take a deep breath and calm down. She leaned over to her window and peered out from the corner, pulling the curtains slightly to the side. She didn't see anything, just the shadows from the tree branches moving in the wind.

"What in the hell was up with that? This crap is way too weird."


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