Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

“So tell me something…… - Elle paused looking at her friend as they sat Indian style facing each other on her bed – you are the student body president and how come you don’t mingle or sit with anyone?” she finished looking at Michelle. Michelle blushed and looked away.

Elle felt concerned. All she thought was how can a sweet girl like her get ignored by others?

Michelle looked down and fiddling with her fingers.

“Well……- she paused staring at Elle then looking back down again – okay so I am socially awkward and after I became a student body president all those students hated my guts and I don’t know why? But I have the slightest idea……- She paused again staring at Elle who urged her to continue and so she did - well when I was running for the position so was Matthew Johnson the popular Jock and player of the school. And well everyone wanted to vote for him but he backed down in the last minute all right and here I am! But I know there is always a but – Elle rolled her eyes and chuckled, earning a smile from Michelle – so anyway later on Matthew’s girlfriend Kayla had spread a rumor about me making a deal with Matt here that if he sat down then I will you know – she coughed making Elle look disgusted – and that was a complete lie and well nobody spoke to me, the teachers got to know but they knew me very well that I am not like that. And it started since freshman and nobody in the student council talks to me they send an email or a message t me and I communicate like that with them!” She sighed looking at Elle.

Elle was looking at her in disbelief. Matthew Johnson and his girlfriend caused these problem?!

‘Oh my goodness……’  Elle thought completely baffled.

Michelle sighed, “It doesn’t matter anyway, at least Tyler was sweet enough to talk to me and well some people at suppose to hate because its in their fate I guess…… and from one of those is me!” she muttered the last bit to herself thinking.

Elle felt bad. Really bad. How could this happen to Michelle?? She didn’t even ask for it! Elle thought furiously. She smiled as Michelle told her the truth. And now she was going to tell her hers.

“Okay Michelle! – Elle took a deep breath – I am the daughter of the famous designer Clarisse Williams! And please don’t tell anyone!” Michelle gasped in shock.

The Clarisse Williams!! The most known fashion designer in the world!! Michelle thought but stopped looking confused.

“Why don’t you want people to know?” she asked and Elle smiled softly taking hold of Michelle’s hands.

“Because I want real friends! Not friends who are my friends because of my status!” she confessed.

All the friends she had in the past were either models! Or actors, painters or other designers! But she wanted good friends who were not famous and understood for who she was. Friends of her age not slightly older then her or of age that could qualify them as her older siblings! She wanted friends of her age. Elle was brought back from her reverie as Michelle put a hand on hers smiling.

“Don’t worry that won’t happen I promise!” she smiled softly. Elle awed and they both hugged each other.

“You are the sister I never had……” Elle whispered pulling away.

“Me too” Michelle had tears in her eyes as she finally made a new friend.


He was angry. Beyond furious as he stepped inside the house glaring at the butler who looked startled quickly called his Aunt Luna a.k.a Annie.


“I hate him”

“But it’s not his fault!”

“I wish I wasn’t born”

 Luna chuckled.

“Honey I know you don’t mean it neither do you wish”

Matt glared at the fire place and looked at his aunt in disbelief.

“Who side your on?!”

Luna sighed shaking her head.

“Nobody, neither do I even want to be…… all I am saying is that Daniel is not doing this on purpose, he loves you and Adriana only it is the elderly you should be furious about”

That shut him up for sometime as he took in the information finally letting out a annoyed sigh.

“Why are they doing this to me? Please tell me?! Isn’t this too soon?! Right after the freaking prom?!” he yelled letting out a pain sigh as his aunt stared at him calmly.

“Why? Why me……?” he sat down covering his face with his hand. Luna sighed and patted him in the back.

“With great power comes great responsibility you know that right? – she looked at him trying to make him understand even though she very well knew its hard for him too – but embrace, at least try to! Child you were born to be just the time has come to embrace it” she said calmly even she felt a slight pressure herself and that was ridiculous because she is not that position in which Matt is in!

But her brother was and is and she knows how tiring and horrible it is.

No freedom, keeping up a good image, no scandal…… nothing……

Just be a good child that’s all.

Countless times Daniel was caught in trouble with various things but that time he was young and still to learn but when he grew his gates to freedom closed.

How strange he allows freedom but has no for himself.

“But I am too young Aunt Luna……too darn young” he whispered feeling defeated.

“I know my child…… I know……” she sighed stroking his hair as they fell in a comfortable silence.

*cringe!!!* *cringe!!!*

“Phone for you Sir Matthew” said one of the butlers making him groan. He got up and took it.


“Tomorrow is Saturday and today I have booked a flight for you so pack and leave immediately!” said a deep voice.

This was the end of the line. Matthew was breathing hard trying to control his anger.

 He gave out a bitter chuckle and said with out,

“Not a hello father?”

Nothing could be heard from the other line.

Finally a sigh was heard.

“I am sorry son elders were at present, you know I hate as much as you do……I mean come on! Give me a break here! They took my love away from me!” he exclaimed and Matthew sighed knowing his father went through too much.

“And hello son how is it going there?!” said the chirpy voice of Daniel’s making Matt laugh.

“You didn’t change at all dad……” he chuckled.

“So…… you coming son? Please don’t disappoint me……” he pleade and Matthew let out another sigh.

“Okay BUT! I don’t want to see those two’s face” he spoke with venom making Daniel winch at his voice.

“Okay you won’t see the whore and the slut! DEAL! Now I have to go!” he said and the line went dead.

“You and Daniel are both crazy!” said Luna making Matthew smile.

“I don’t hate him I just hate him for not standing up Aunt Luna……- he gave a helpless shrug and smiled slightly- anyway I got to go and pack I am going to have to pay a little visit to the Elders” he said and kissed her in the cheeks and leaving.

Luna smiled at Matthew as he drove off to Adriana.

“He has a great mother and a father……” she whispered to herself.

 © HerRoyalPainInTheAss

The French Seducer (On Hold)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora