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((Kiku/Japan POV))

"Kiku! If you don't get up I'll come drag you out of bed, aru!"
Yao Wang yelled from the front of my bedroom door.

"I'm up, I'm up!"
I yelled from under my blankets. I heard my big brothers footsteps walk away from the door and I groaned.

'Why does it have to be Monday?'
I thought as I slowly got up and walked to my closet.
'At least Alfred will be at school'

As quickly as I could I grabbed my normal white and gold lace outfit and got changed. While grabbing my backpack I looked at the clock.
"8:30 a.m.!? I'm going to be late!"

I screamed as I glanced in the mirror. 'Fine! You look fine! Hurry hurry!' I mentally screamed and ran down the stairs to where Yao was standing impatiently.

"Are you ready?" He asked angrily. I sighed and nodded, not wanting to speak to the angry Yao. He grunted and walked out the already open door. Cautiously, I walked slowly behind my older brother, who was wearing his normal everyday red and yellow robe.

We walked for a while in silence until Yao turned to face me and spoke softly.

"Did you know we are getting a new student in school today? I think his name was Arthur Kirkland."
I did remember Alfred saying something about a new student. But I felt very...odd about it. As if I was being threatened by his very existence. But he can't be so bad, besides Alfred and I have the honour to show him around! This will be quite a fun day!

((Alfred/America POV))

*beep! beep! beep!*

The screams of my stupid alarm clock blasted through my room and echoed in my ears. I groaned and reached for the snooze button. *SLAP!* A stinging pain in my hand made me suddenly shot up, grabbing my hand.

I screamed and glared at my younger brother, Matthew. He glared back. "Alfred F. Jones! It's time for school! No sleeping in!"
He growled and chucked some clean clothes at me.
"Get dressed and hurry!"
Mattie turned and walked out angrily. I rolled my eyes and stuck out my tongue at the door.
'Stupid younger brother! I can get ready myself! I don't need his help!'

But I didn't mean it, I loved my little brother even though he can be a huge pain! When mom and dad left us one day and...didn't come back I knew it was up to me to be the hero and take care of Mattie. That day was so long ago. But Matthews so sensitive it would hurt his feelings if I said those things about him, so all I can do is think angry thoughts and smile. I sighed and got dressed in a white shirt and just blue jeans. White socks to match and I slipped on my 'hero' jacket. It was big, brown, a little poofy but it made me feel more heroic so I wear it all the time. I'm always the hero! After I was ready I went into the bathroom across the hall to check out my hair damage.

I cringed when I saw my blonde bed head hair, it looked like rats had been playing extreme sports in my hair while I was asleep! Now normally I wouldn't care about how I looked but today is special. Kiku and I are showing some new student around today at school. Besides, if I don't do SOMETHING with it, Kiku will start messing and touching it so I might as well do something with it.

'Thank god school is almost over'
I think as I quickly brush my hair with a small comb. There! Everything looks great! Or....would look great if not for 2 things: my stupid curl that's always sticking up no matter how much I try to brush it down and two, I don't have my glasses.
"Yo Mattie! Are my glasses down in the kitchen?"
I yell to my brother.
"Yeah! Now hurry up Al!"
He yelled back. I ran down the stairs to the kitchen where Matthew was, eating a small piece of toast. He turned and handed me my blue, red, and white star backpack and smiled softly.

"Ready now?"
He asked in his normal quiet tone. I grinned and nodded, grabbing my glasses off the counter and running to the front door.

~time skip~

Thank god we live close to the school! I can't really handle long walks unless I've had a meal, and today I didn't really have breakfast.
'Stupid stupid! Wake up earlier next time!'
I thought angrily as my walking soon turned into a jolting run.
'If I get to school early I can still make it to the canteen!'
I soon regret not paying attention to where I was going and thinking about food.


I ran into some poor soul who probably had no idea I was coming!
"I'm so so sorry I didn't-"
I broke off when my light blue eyes came in contact with a pair of emerald ones.

[[ Hope you guys are liking the first part of the story so far! If I've made any mistakes please kindly tell me so I can fix it ^w^ I will be adding more ships as we get deeper into the story! Some plan ships are: PruCan, SwissAus, AusHun, PruAus, PruHun, Spamano, GerIta, UsUk, FrUk, AmeriPan, RoChu, BelaLiech, LietPol, TurGree, GiriPan, and if I think of anymore I'll add it in! Now I know what you're thinking: "But Madds! How can you add all those ships that are with the same person!" Not to worry! Me and my BB poteeto ((her nickname >3<)) are going to make them all work! But please note that maybe some won't work in others favour as some would like, but that shouldn't stop you from reading! I want everyone to be happy with this story! So if you have any ships that you want to see very badly in the fanfic please say so! Be it Itacest or Gercest or maybe some other ships I'll happily try to add it in! =7= thanks~ <3 ]]

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