Dance Partner (Hoya)

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You were from a rookie girl group and you had been chosen to do a duet dance with Hoya, a member from the talented group Infinite.

You were really excited because you really looked up to Hoya as he was a really good dancer, however you were really nervous as you were not so good.

You made your way to Woolim Entertainment building and your manger was there waiting for you, you greeted him and you made your way to the practice room.

You got to the practice room and you entered to see Hoya already practicing.

"Hoya this is ______(y/n) she is going to be your dance partner"

"Hello, its nice to meet you, I hope I can do well" hoya said.

"Nice to meet you to, I'm sure you will do good but me im.not sure about me in not as good as you"

"Well I will let you two be and get to practicing".

The manager walked out and I started to stretch and warm up. I was so nervous that I kept tripping over my own feet.

Once me and Hoya finished stretching we got up of the floor and he started to show me the moves. I was so bad, I kept standing on his feet.

"I'm so sorry I'm just not used to this type of dancing".

"Its okay, just keep practicing and you will do fine.

So many hours later we were still practicing and I was getting used to the moves and dance steps. We moved side to side with each other and moved in really close with each other. The dance ended with us face to face , we were in such a close proximity that I could feel my cheeks blushing so I moved away slowly

"Your good at dancing you should keep doing it".

"Oh I don't think so im not thag good".

"You are, I will teach you if you want me to".

"Really, you will do that for me"


We continued practicing till it was late. We had to be awake early in the morning to get to the show in time.

The next day you got up and prepared yourself and got into your car. You arrived at the studio and looked for Hoya. About 15 minutes of looking you eventually found him.


"Heya ____(y/n) are you ready"

"A little, im a little nervous"

"You will be fine, just breathe"

We were called on stage and we danced like it was the last thing in earth. We finished and we bowed to the crowed, they cheered and cheered. It was the best thing I have ever felt, maybe I should take to Hoya's offer and take to dancing.

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