Chapter 1

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Shizuo's P.O.V.

When I woke up in the morning, I went downstairs and prepared breakfast.

As I was preparing breakfast, I turned on the T.V. to watch the daily News.

"There has been an incident that a person had been stabbed at the shopping district in Ikebukuro." The reporter said.

When I finished eating and put the dishes away in the sink, then a name had caught my attention from the News report.

"The victim from the stabbing is appeared to be by the name of Izaya Orihara."

W-what? What do you mean that the flea has been stabbed!

I turned off the T.V. before the reporter said anything else and threw the remote across the room.

'Why am I so angry about this?!' I thought to myself until I felt something wet falling down on my cheek.

Huh? W-Why am I crying about this? I shouldn't cry over him. I hate that flea?!

Why would somebody try to kill him before me? Damn it!

I slammed my fist to the wall and winced.

'I should see if he's ok' I thought and shook my head as I changed into my usual outfit and went to the hospital.

*Time Lapse to the hospital*

When I got to the hospital, I checked in at the front desk.

"May I help you sir?" The nurse said while filing paper work.

"I'm here to see Izaya Orihara"

"Are you a relative? Boyfriend?"

I tried to hide the blush that was forming on my face.

"I- umm, I'm his b-boyfiend" I lied.

"He's in room 308" the nurse said as she went back to her paperwork.

"Thanks" I said as I went to search for his room.


When I got to the flea's room, I saw him laying there with wires and an IV attached to him but, thank god he's still breathing.

'W-Why am I happy that he's still alive?' I thought to myself as I sat next to his bed.

'Cause you love him you idiot!' A voice inside my head shouted.

'W-What?! I don't love him!'

'Yes you do! You're just in denial.'

'Shut up!'

When the voice inside my head is gone, I looked at the flea that I hated for so long.

"I know you can't hear me you stupid flea but, I just want you to wake up."

'Why am I saying this?' I thought. 'Am I worried about him?'

No it can't be! But, am I?

I have so many mixed feelings and it drives me crazy.

"J-Just wake up, ok?" I said and whispered the three words that will change everything.

"I l-love you..."



Chapter 1 is done. I hope you enjoyed it.

Comment/Fav and vote. More chapters to come.

Until next time.

- Monika xx

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