Chapter Eight: Evil Within

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Gareth was stuck in the chair, tied down by Martin as another group member punched him. "Why were you helping her Gareth?" Martin asked just as the other group member punched him again. Gareth's face had been battered several times now and it felt as if that all the punching and pain would kill him but he was trying to be strong, he knew that the girl needed to get out of Terminus and keep on surviving. He deserved to be there and she didn't. After a few more punches Martin told the group member to leave, which he instantly obeyed. Now Gareth was looking at Martin who was sitting in a chair across from Gareth. "I hate all this shit you know that but you brought all this shit on yourself." Martin said and shook his head before grabbing a knife and plunging it into Gareth's knee. Gareth let out a loud painful cry before feeling his whole leg start to sting in pain. "I'm gonna untie you, but you won't be able to walk." Martin said and pulled Gareth off the chair before throwing him down onto the ground. Gareth watched Martin walk towards the door before turning to look back at Gareth. "You're gonna stay in here until you starve, you'll die, you'll turn and then I'll throw that bitch in here. You can tear her apart." Martin said before walking out of the room and slamming the door behind him.
Gareth probably laid on the ground for what felt like hours and hours until he heard a distant scream, he looked towards the door. "Gotta get outta here..." He said to himself before groaning loudly as he stood up from the ground and tumbled over, letting out a groan once again. He crawled to to a chair and pulled himself up before hobbling towards the door, he was in so much pain and he felt like his leg was going to fall off. The distant screams got louder and more painful sounding and Gareth was able to get the door open but not after weakling throwing himself into it, causing it to fall off its hinges, Gareth hit the ground hard, so much harder than he thought he would. He weakly stood up and started hobbling down the hallway but he was stopped when he heard a voice behind him. He turned around and looked at his brother Alex who was standing at the other end of the hallway. "What are you doing Gareth?" Alex asked, a slight hint of concern in Alex's voice. Gareth sighed softly and looked down before shaking his head. "I'm not gonna let them kill her..." Gareth said and continued to hobble down the hallway but was suddenly stopped by a gunshot and then the sudden pain in his back, which caused him to fall to the ground. Everything went dark around Gareth it felt as if he was dead, but he needed to keep living. Even if he could just get her away and then be taken down, that would be enough to make him feel better about himself.

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