Chappy 1 - Meet and Greet

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~*~* chapter 1- meet and greet *~*~

"Noooo", screamed the boys, "Let her go!"

"Now, Now why do you think I'd do that, she's mine and there's nothing you can do about it", spat Saymore. Right now I stay stuck in the hands of my nemesis Saymore he's tried to kill me and everybody in the secret agency Wonder Struck or as we call it the WSA. How I got here or who I am, I can't tell you unless you are permitted to, but for now my name is Anna. My boys here are Niall, Louis, Harry, Liam, and Zayn you may recognize those names from a band named One Direction. Now you might ask "How did you meet them?" well they came to me. I was in the hospital in London, England, my fake name is Anna Beth Didinato and I'm 18 years old.

~*~*Back To When I met Them*~*~

"Hey Anna how you feeling", asks Nurse Leila

"Good how about you", I answered back

"Just great, now I came to ask you, do you like One Direction?" she asked. I was utterly confused. Who are they? But I put on an excited face and went along on what she said.

"Yes they are amazing, why are you asking?" I answered back.

"Oh I was just wondering, a lot of girls your age just fantasize meeting them ", she said,"They are great lads and have wonderful voices." Ah singer's aye well I've always wanted to sing, but I'm so busy doing other things y'know.

"I would love to meet them!" I answered back .It would be nice meeting some celebrities and I am stuck in this bed for a couple days for hurting my head, but it's nothing I can't handle.

"Good", she said with a suspicious grin and left the room.Okay that was awkward what is she hiding from me?

~*~*Next Day*~*~

"Hey Anna you have some visitors here to see you", Nurse Leila said coming into my room signaling to someone or someone's to stay there shutting the door. Hmm ,I don't have anybody who would want to visit me, so who is here.

"Okay", I answered back, "Who?"

She opened the door then signaled for them to come in. I sat there in shock 5 boys walked into the room and they were all very good looking. One of them with blonde hair was wearing a red Jack Wills hoodie, tan chinos, and some Nike blazer mid leather trainers. Another boy with light brown hair was wearing a striped T-Shirt, red pants, and some Toms. The boy with curly hair had on a Lyle and Scott vintage hoodie, a beanie, black jeans, and converse. The boy with blondish brown hair had on a plaid long sleeve shirt, black jeans, and high top converse. The boy with a dark brown quiff had on a white shirt, a varsity jacket, tan chinos, and Nike air force shoes. WOW that's all that I had to say, in my head of course.

"Hi I'm Niall", blonde-y said

"I'm Louis", stripes said

"I'm Harry", curly said

"I'm Liam", plaid said

"I'm Zayn", quiff-y said

"And were One Direction", they all said in unison.

So this is the so called One Direction Nurse Leila was talking about. Well, now I know why girls fantasize over them I would too.

Umm I take that back I'm not some creepy stalker girl. Pffft I'm totally not.

Well it might seem that way to them


because you are totally staring at them

OOH im probably creeping them out.

Yes you are

Stop talking to yourself and talk to them.

Wonder Struck (One Direction Fan Fiction)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora