Chappy 2- Flashbacks

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i sit straight up in bed.whoa what was that dream about? was it a dream or is it a vision? the last time had a vision was last month. i thought it was a dream at first, until it came true.


"get down they might see us" i said. we were going to take down the vaders, one of our enemies, and bring back our team that they kidnapped, but they had other plans. we were crawling to their home base, in the woods, and saw a group of thery're people surrounding something. "get to your stations and wait for my signal" i said my team was ready to attack until that group moved so we could see what they were huddled over, i stopped breathing. frozen not able to move because of what i saw.

in the middle of the huddle kneeling down on their knees were our callegues, Emma, Dean, and Alex. all 3 of them severly battered.

Emma looked like she was the worst out of them all. (because special people like us, the girls were the most powerful. yes the boys were powerful and talented, but something about the girls made them... i dont know... better.) she had cuts, wip marks, and bruises all over her body. clothes ripped to shreds only covering what was needed. the boys looked like they were beaten with bruises that covered their bodys'.

the reasons why was because they were magic bound. you could see it in their eyes. magic bound is when they inject us with a syrum that doen't allow us to fight back with our powers. our eyes also turn to a different color from our usual eye color, thats how i could tell.

"ahhh Schön, dass Sie zu uns Prinzessin"(ahhh nice of you to join us princess) i know that voice. i look into the crowd and there pops out mr.vader.

"hmmm mr.vader"

"der einzige. Sie mögen mein Meisterwerk?"(the one and only. you like my masterpiece?)i was losing it if he pushed me any farther he will regret it.

"du bist so ekelhaft"(you're so disgusting) i spit on the ground. for some reason this all felt like deja vu?

"oh, aber ich habe das alles für Sie. seine unhöflich unten zu drehen ein Geschenk. jetzt wirst du bereuen diese Entscheidung."(oh, but i did it all for you. its rude to turn down a gift. now you'll regret that decision.) then he nodded his head. i was confused until i heard a gasp from behind me. then it hit me like a brick to the face. they're planning a sneak attack on us! i turned around in inhuman speed and my rerutes were on the floor,injected.

"zu spät jetzt Prinzessin."(to late now princess)i turned back around and everything went in slow motion. his guards were holding Emma's, Dean's, and Alex's heads' up while he slit each and everyone of their thoats.

"NO!"i screamed! that was the last straw. i felt everything come burtsing out of me. all this emtion turned into power. i felt invincable! next thing i know is dead bodies were scattered all over ground. my head hurt. everything was all fuzzy looking and i felt drained. i fell to my knees and then it was like a light bulb went off in my head. now i know why it felt like deja vu. it was because i had the same things happen in my dream, but it wasnt a dream. it was a vision.

~*end of flashback*~

i felt something wet hit my arm. what da fudge? where did that come from? i looked up. no leak in the cealing. then how is my arm wet?

its a tear genious

why do i have a tear on my arm?

you're CRYING. why else would there be a tear on your arm?

it could have been someone elses.

NOBODY is HERE but YOU! so HOW could THEIR tear be on YOUR arm if NOBODY is around? heh and your the smart one.

but... im not crying?

did you touch your face.

nooooo.... why whould i?

to see if your crying dimwit.

ooooooh..... ok then. i reach to touch my face and it feels.... moist? oh shizle! i AM crying!

no chiz sherlock.

i ignore the comment and jump out of bed. i run for the bathroom and hope it doesnt look like ive been crying. i look at my face, my eyes and nose are a pinkish color but it only looks like i have a cold.

"phew" i breathed out. i sure didnt want to look like i was crying because its a sign of weaknes and i dont want to look weak. i walked back to my bed and got in. i feel alot better today. thats probably because of my rapid healing.the doctor walked into my room.

"goodmorning anna, how are you feeling?"he asked while looking at his clipboard. well that didnt seem sincere.

"oh im feeling gooooood"

"great, let me just check and if everything goes good your free to go." he says while walking up to me and looking at his clipboard. he seems like hes in a hurry to get me out of here. what did i ever do to him. nothing. exactly so why does he want me out so soon.

"what you dont want me here anymore?"

"not nececarily" he says still looking at his clipboard. WHAT! so he doesnt want me here.

"OUCH! did you hear that?" i say while cutching my heart.

"hear what?" he should at least look at his patient. not his clipboard. does it look hut? no. but his patient is.

"my heart its screaming at me that im not loved" i say, putting the back of my head to my forhead and sigh.

"what?" he looks at my state of being with confusion platered on his face. FINALLY! he looked at me. i nonchalently throw my hands in the air.

"what do you mean 'finally' and what are you doing?"oh snap said that outloud?i put my hands down. what do i tell him 'oh well it seemed like your clipboard was hurt cuz you kept looking at it instead of looking at your patient. who IS hurt' no. like im going to say that to a doctor.

"ummm... well... you see... like my uh..... hand was uh.... cold and um..... i.... rubbed it to uhm.... see if it would get warm..... but it.... didnt so i uh..... sat on it..... and it got.... warmer?" it came out more as a question than a statement.

nice excuse

ignore it and it will go away

"oh really?" the doctor asked.

"yeah" i trailed off.

"it doent seem like it"

heh he doesnt believe you. if i were him i wouldnt either

"oh shut up and go away" i screamed at my 'iner me'

"excuse me?" the doctor asked. oh my holy queen of oreos. he thought i directed that to him.

"oh that wasnt ment for you it was ment for me"

with that said i would be running to the phone to call the sych ward

"no i mean.... ugh just forget it"

~*~*Authors Note*~*~

So, um, yeah..... I kind of lost everything for this book, but I don't want to delete it because memories. It was my first book. These thoughts for it inspired me to write. I'm sorry guys, but it's not like it was very good anyways, so it won't be missed (I'm not counting myself) I had wrote this a very long time ago. It was like the day after I posted the first chapter. I never got to finish it though, if you didn't notice that already. Anyways, I just thought "why not post it, I can't just leave it around for it to just collect internet dust on the wattpad shelf now could I, no that would be wrong." so that's why I posted it. I might be continuing it, but that highly unlikely. So here you go another chapter, I hope you enjoy.
(dang, it's been like 2 1/2 years since my last update ⊙_⊙ oops..... )


(decided to end this book like I would've back then, for old times sake ^_^ )

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