Chapter Two

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Reader-chan POV

*beep beep* *beep beep*

A groan escaped my lips as I slammed my hand down on the snooze button. Dragging myself out of bed, I did my usual routine.

Walking through the gates that would be locked in five minutes or so, I saw Hinata walking up the steps to the entrance of the school.

I giggled o myself before calling, "Hinata."

Said girl turned around then smiled at me, waiting for me to catch up. I walked Hinata to her class first so she wouldn't be late. I said my goodbye, mentioning something about Naruto since the share the same class. Hinata blushed a bright red. I grinned to myself, waving again and headed to class.

Science went on like usual: the same creepy stares given by Orochimaru-sama towards Sasuke, long notes, all that fun stuff. Next class was English with Kakashi-sensei.

"Arg, why's Kakashi-sensei always late?" a bored Naruto groaned. However, that bored expression was replaced with a grin, the kind of grin that he always put on before he got a detention.

Pushing back his seat, Naruto was about to stand but the door opened revealing Kakashi-sensei.

I always wondered how his silvery hair stood up on his own. There were no traces of gel in his hair that I could see.

"Okay class, we have a new student today," Kakashi-sensei spoke blandly.

Next to him stood a boy with blood-red hair and deep aqua eyes. His eyes were beautiful, but what really caught my attention was the kanji on the left side of his forehead that symbolized love. He was wearing a slight glare making me wonder why it said love but I learned not to judge a book by its cover so I dismissed the thought.

"His name is Gaara," Kakashi-sensei continued, "I expect you all to treat him well." The class nodded. "Okay, Gaara. There's an open seat next toooo-ah, [Y/N]. Right there," Kakashi-sensei pointed.

Gaara's eyes followed Kakashi-sensei's direction, walked my way and took the seat at my left. I smiled nervously at the board. The closeness of his body and the cinnamon scent he carried made my heart jump. I wanted to introduce myself and welcome him to the school but the words wouldn't take form. I went through the rest of the class feeling the awkward silence suffocate me.

By the end of the day, I figured out that I have two classes with Gaara all together. There's English with Kakashi-sensei and Gym with Gai-sensei. Well in Gym there's two new students, Gaara and a girl named Temari.

Her hair was in four spiked pigtails behind her head and she had teal eyes. She looked nice, maybe a little intimidating...

Walking out of the school gates, I started down the sidewalk, taking the familiar way home. I slowed slightly when I saw a redhead leaning against the concrete wall connecting to the gate. His aqua eyes scanned the small crowds. Gaara. I was going to call out to him but the words died on my lips as the girl from gym stalked towards him. I decided to talk to him tomorrow in class and quicken my pace.

As I passed the two, I felt a grip on my arm and stopped my pace all together. I turned to see the hand belonging to Temari.

"Hey, you're the girl from Gym, [Y/N], right?" Her voice was somewhere between soft and demanding.

"Y-Yes?" 'Crap! Why'd I stutter? Shes gonna think I'm scared of her, but I'm not! Or shes gonna think I'm weird!'

I was mentally pulling my hair but I must of showed that I was uncomfortable because Temari let go of my arm and frowned.

"Are you okay?" She said in a wary voice.

"Mhm. I'm fine." 'Ahhh!! Look what I did! That voice wasn't convincing at all! I wanted to be friends with this girl but I think I just ruined it! And what about Gaara? I sit next to him in English and its going to be awkward tomorrow! Okay [Y/N]. Calm down. Keep. It. Together.'

"Hey guys. Sorry I'm late, the teacher wouldn't stop talking," a voice said out of no where.

I must of jumped because I felt their eyes on me. I turned to see a guy with black eyes and brown hair. He was staring at me like I was crazy.

"Oh, [Y/N]. This is Kankuro, he's my brother," Temari spoke, gesturing towards the brunette.

"Hello," I waved awkwardly.

"Sup", was his response.

"So anyway, [Y/N], I was thinking we could get to know each other better," Temari said, oblivious to what happened moments before.

I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding,"Yeah. Tha'd be great." I grinned at her.

Temari smiled at me and it was genuine. I was happy she also wanted to be friend, but that feeling soon turned to awkwardness since noone said anything for at least 30 seconds and three looked kinda bored.

I opened my mouth to excuse myself when my Blue Exorcist opening one ringtone went off.


"[Y/N]. Where are you?" It was mom.

"Umm, school. Why?"

"You were supposed to be home half an hour ago."

"Really?" I pulled my phone back to see the time, and she was right, "Crap! I'll be right there." I hung up not waiting for a response and shoved the phone into my jacket pocket.

"Sorry guys. I gotta go. My moms getting worried. We can talk tomorrow, okay?" I spoke backing away slightly.

"Yeah, see ya tomorrow," Temari waved.

I smiled, spun around on my heel and started at a jog. Once I got home, I explained to my mother why I was late. She understood and told me dinner was ready soon. I went upstairs and changed. After dinner, I went to bed tired, but happy to have an excuse to get out of bed tomorrow.

A/N: Is it good so far or no? I think I'm doing terrible, I edited a few things to try and fix it but it's not boosting my confidence. I decided that I'll do a chapter each week and each update won't be on a specific day. I'm always crazy busy. I'll do my best guys. I love you all!!!

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