'What the heck just happened?

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This story was done by my friend who doesn't have a Wattpad.Enjoy

I arrived at school. Doing my daily routine, giving hugs and saying my hellos to my friends. It was 8 and so I headed to my 1st block class. When I opened those double doors, I saw Carter waiting there. Why would Carter be there? "Hey Carter" said I giving him a hug. "Ah, hey." He said back. "So why are you here?" Said I leaning against the wall. "Oh just wanted to talk that's all." Carter said. I took out my phone and looked at the clock, it's 8:02. Then I felt a shadow, shadowing my phone. I looked up, and there was Carter taking my phone, "What's the rush?" Carter said. He put my phone in his pocket. "Carter give it back." Said I holding my hand in the air. Then he grabbed my hand and pinned it to the wall. I blushed, I tried to escape my hand with the other, but Carter grabbed that to, as well as pinning it. So at this point i'm pinned to the wall. He came closer. It would seem as we were hugging, but really, his body was against mine, his nose was touching mine, at this point I was helpless. Then the Bell rang as the side of his nose touched the side of mine. He back up, gave me my phone and smiled. "See you at Drama." He winked and air kissed me, then left. I look like I was red to the face.

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