Loki- Dungeon

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"Allfather, I must admit, I do not understand why I cannot visit Loki inside of the prison cell. Please, I beg of you! Just once!"

"I have said, and I shall say again, NO. You cannot go inside of the cell."

"And why is that? He is perfectly safe."

"You are testing my patience, (Y/N)..."

"Fine. Good day, Allfather."

You stormed out of the throne room, angered that Odin forbid you to have contact with your love. You were only allowed to sit outside of the cell, and talk through it. You could not touch the transparent screen, as it would burn your flesh.

You made your way down to the dungeons, guards not questioning you, as you had been down here every week. Only once a week, as was commanded of you by the Allfather. You did not understand his odd commands, but did not challenge his way of rule.


"Loki, love, how have you been faring since I've seen you last?"

"(Y/N) dear, I have fared well, but do not concern yourself with my well-being. How have YOU been as of late?"

You let out a sigh, before sitting on the dungeon floor outside of his cell.

"To be honest, love, not well. But it does not matter at the moment, this is to be a happy visit." You responded, with a smile.

Loki gave you a sympathetic look, one only you could get out of him.

"Dearest, I believe you need a nice story..." He began, sifting through the bookshelf so kindly given to him by Frigga.

You watched as his nimble fingers searched through the stacks and rows of books, his calm yet concentrated demeanor giving off the hint that he was looking for a very specific book.

"Ah, here." He exclaimed, holding up a faded purple book. He sat opposite of you behind the translucent barrier, gazing intently into your (E/C) eyes.

"(Y/N), have I ever told you how magnificent you look?"

"Once or twice, perhaps."

"Well, dearest, you are, in fact, the most beauteous being I have ever laid eyes upon. Your eyes, being such bright celestial orbs, would light up the darkest corner of the galaxy, and galaxies beyond that. If you were to leave me here, alone in this dungeon, all I would think about would be you. Just you. Nothing else."

His small soliloquey was enough to bring tears to my eyes.

"Loki, it tears me to pieces to see you so lonely in here. I'm trying my hardest to have you let out, but maybe my hardest won't do. My dear, I will gather soldiers from the farthest lands to help rescue you, but I am also on lockdown in Asgard. I am not allowed to leave the palace under any circumstances, and its beginning to drive me up the wall! Why must Odin act like this! I don't understand!"

You began to break down, slouching into a heap of sobs on the dungeon floor. Loki watched you, a sad look of defeat and suffer written across his face as he watched you cry. It killed him to not be able to hold you and comfort you as he wished. Instead, he began to read to you.

" It was lovely summer weather in the country, and the golden corn, the green oats, and the haystacks piled up in the meadows looked beautiful..."

He glanced over towards you as you calmed down.

"The stork walking about on his long red legs chattered in the Egyptian language, which he had learnt from his mother. The corn-fields and meadows were surrounded by large forests, in the midst of which were deep pools..."

You watched him read intently, his eyes skimming the page of the children's story he had quite thought himself to be related to.

"In a sunny spot stood a pleasant old farm-house close by a deep river, and from the house down to the water side grew great burdock leaves, so high, that under the tallest of them a little child could stand upright. The spot was as wild as the centre of a thick wood..."

Loki began to read with more emotion strung into his voice, you watched him in pure wonder as a different side of him emerged.

"In this snug retreat sat a duck on her nest, watching for her young brood to hatch; she was beginning to get tired of her task, for the little ones were a long time coming out of their shells, and she seldom had any visitors. The other ducks liked much better to swim about in the river than to climb the slippery banks, and sit under a burdock leaf, to have a gossip with her..."

You thought it was interesting how he could get so mentally involved with a children's story, but you listened to his reading of the story.

"At length one shell cracked, and then another, and from each egg came a living creature that lifted its head and cried, "Peep, peep." "Quack, quack," said the mother, and then they all quacked as well as they could, and looked about them on every side at the large green leaves. Their mother allowed them to look as much as they liked, because green is good for the eyes..."

Loki stopped reading for a moment, to make sure you were calmed down and in a better mood.

"Shall I continue another time (Y/N)? You look rather tired."

"No, no, please continue. You were enjoying yourself." You said with a smile.

Loki looked at you with a quick glare, as you were poking fun at him for reading the story with so much added charisma. He found his place in the story before continuing.

""How large the world is," said the young ducks, when they found how much more room they now had than while they were inside the egg-shell.
"Do you imagine this is the whole world?" asked the mother; "Wait till you have seen the garden; it stretches far beyond that to the parson's field, but I have never ventured to such a distance. Are you all out?" she continued, rising; "No, I declare, the largest egg lies there still. I wonder how long this is to last, I am quite tired of it;" and she seated herself again on the nest..."

Again, you watched him as he stole quick glances at you, his striking blue eyes darting back and forth, back and forth again.

"At last the large egg broke, and a young one crept forth crying, "Peep, peep." It was very large and ugly. The duck stared at it and exclaimed, "It is very large and not at all like the others. I wonder if it really is a turkey. We shall soon find it out, however when we go to the water. It must go in, if I have to push it myself.".."

At last I understood why he had chosen this story to read. He felt betrayed. He felt like a monster. This simple children's story held a much higher meaning to him, as the 'different' member of the family.

"Loki?" You asked, as you saw he had begun crying as well.

"Yes dearest?"

"Are you okay?"


"Are you sure?"

Suddenly, the scene inside of the cell had changed. Instead of Loki standing in front of me, brave, strong, he sat in the back of the cell. He was bleeding, disheveled, there was furniture strewn about.

You let out a small gasp.


"My dearest (Y/N), I must admit, I have been untruthful to you."

"I can see that. But- why? Why would you hide this from me?"

"I couldn't let you see me how I truly am... I ask for your forgiveness."

"Loki, there is nothing to forgive. You have done no wrong. Your feelings are private, I understand. If you wish to conceal how you feel now, to preserve some kind of self pride, or whatever the reason...go ahead. I do not wish to pry into your personal life. I may be your wife but I know there are things we all like to keep to ourselves. My dear, you will be released from here soon, I promise you."

He said no words, only a smile.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 22, 2015 ⏰

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