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blood bank


be my vampire, baby, i'll be your boy. (or, in the middle of a snowstorm, their car breaks down and harry's stuck with louis, a vampire).

♡ also on tumblr at starseas
Work Text:

In the dark, the sounds are easier to hear.

Or at least Harry imagines that they are, especially for Louis, which is why he makes sure to keep his breathing steady. It's why he makes sure to keep his heartbeat slow. Watching the side of Louis' face, Harry smiles softly as Louis drives them down the slush covered road, frosted pine trees bracketing them in on either side.

Like this, Louis practically glows in the dark.

The blizzard outside moves like television static, moonlight stealing over the car walls in flashes and softening the lines of Louis' face, the line of his jaw and the small bend of his nose. His hair looks soft when it's tucked back beneath a beanie like that, and Harry grins at the way Louis' bundled up in a sheepskin jacket and gloves even though everyone knows that he never gets cold.

And like, fuck, Harry's really bad at this-at being close to Louis without touching.

Because honestly, that's all he really wants to do right now.

Sighing lowly, Harry shivers against the cold even though the heater is on and blowing warm air into his face. The night is frozen over with winter, and they've got hours left to go until they get to where they're supposed to be-Niall's house, a million miles away from here, right by an ocean that's white and frosted and all pale blue.

And Harry's not stupid, even if he is only seventeen.

He's not stupid. He knows what Louis is and he knows that being alone with Louis in a car for so long is a dumb idea, especially when they can't stop off anywhere to get Louis what he needs, but he can't even help it. He just wants to get closer, to press his lips to Louis' neck and just feel it, his throat and the pulse there, or the pulse that was there before, well. You know.

"Why is your heart beating like that?" Louis asks suddenly, glancing over at Harry with a small grin as he speeds down the road, snow whirling bright against the darkness outside.

The blue lights on the car radio light up the dark, washing lazy over Louis' face, and Harry feels his heart beat even faster.

"Hey, stop listening to it," He pouts, but it turns into a small smile when Louis rolls his eyes dramatically. Harry shifts so that he's sitting with his back resting against the passenger window, his whole body turned to face Louis. His shoes are off and he's got his socked feet resting on the center console, and everything is dim and soft and warm. Louis grins and Harry frowns, "Seriously, Lou, s'not fair."

"It's not my fault that your heart's going crazy, mate," Louis laughs, and his voice is loud against the hushed silence of the car. Moonlight slips over his face, brightening everything before melting away again, leaving the whole car swimming in an inky sort of dimness that's all dark blue. Louis glances over at Harry again, his eyebrows raised. "What are you thinking about anyway?"

"My teeth on your neck," Harry says, honest.

Louis laughs at that, a one syllable sound. "How original."

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 23, 2015 ⏰

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