Chapter One

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"Come on James." Said my best friend Oscar. "You might make it to second base with a girl."

"No. I don't want to go to that stupid thing." I say

"Please." He begs 

"Fine I'll go."


"But, I'm not trying with my costume" I bargain

"Done deal."He says just before I hang up on him.

I grab my Flash mask from years ago and almost make it out of my house before my little sister bear hugs me and my mum makes me promise to be back by one.

I take my car and drive to school finding and parking spot and walking in I stand next to Oscar as he watches the entrance. 

"I'm waiting for a really hot girl." He says. Just then Two hot girls walk in His staring at the slutty superwoman. I'm looking at the Cat-woman. My eyes follow her to the punch ball as Oscar makes his way to the blonde superwoman.

"I don't know why people are flirting with your friend when your right here." I said, Oscar says that always works. 

"Mhmm" She hums and walks away to the stairs to the side of the gym. I follow her to the top of the shaky stairs. Desperate not to give this up, she is easily the most beautiful girl I have ever seen.

"I'm sorry, my friend said that would work." I say Defending myself

"That's nice."She says and pull out her head phones.

"I really want to know you and talk to you." I say Desperate. 

"Okay lets play 20 questions." She suggest.

"Cool, you go first." I says

"First ground rules, nothing to find out my name, or anything stalker-ish, if you do it will still count as a question." She states say.

"Okay." That blow my first question of her name.

"Do you ever wake up and think what the fuck am I doing?" she asks

She's deep and dark "On rare dark nights. Do you?"

"Yeah. Favourite colour?" she ask

"Gold. What do you drive?" I ask hoping it's not to stalker-ish

"Too personal." she decline "Do you read a lot?"

"Yeah." I admit "Favourite colour?" 

"Metallic purple. I'm going to paint my new house that." She states. Wait. What? Move out. "When do you want to move out?"

"What do you mean new house?" I question.

"Answer my question then I'll answer yours." she replies.

"I don't know, when I get money?" I make a guess. "Now my question."

"I'm moving out tonight." She states.

"Why?" Is the only question I can come up with.

"That's your fifth question." she reminds me I nod but don't take it back "My step-monster. Favourite subject?" Did that really answer my question? I guess it did. Moving because of her stepmum

"Outdoor ED. Same question"

"Music Pro and Rec." She makes music? "Do you have siblings?"

"Younger sister. You?" I answer.

"Two stepsisters. Do you have a job?"

"Yep." I say thinking of Rebel Sport "What do you do for fun?"

"I hike. You?" Hike, really? I'm really starting to like her.

"I jog. So who's in your family." I ask.

"A step-monster and two step sisters." She replies. "Right or left side of bed."

"No dad?" I ignore her question.

"Answer mine first." She says.

"Right." I answer "My question?"

"He died." She says. I get sad for I girl I don't even know the name of "Do you ever think your adopted?"

'Well I am' I think but answer "Yes. Where is your favourite place in the world that know one knows about?" I ask wanting to pick her brain.

"The place I can see everyone; but no one can see me."Very John Green female main character response. "I know that DJ. Sorry I need to ask him for a favour." 

She jump up and run to the booth, and in that moment her Myki falls out of her phone pocket. I pick it up and slide it into my pocket. They share a couple words before she runs into the crowd and I follow her. I try and dance with her

"If you like these next couple tracks I highly suggest you find 'Apollo's Daughter' on YouTube and subscribe, because I think she's great." Is that what she was asking.


We've been dancing up close and personal since the start of 'Apollo's Daughter's track now I got to admit, it's really good the dancing and the music. She brings my head down to meet hers and kisses me. Starting out slow getting rougher. My arms snake around her waist. I pull back.

"Good song to make out to, good artist to." She smiles and kisses me again.


A couple of slow songs have come on since the make out session, so we ended up slow dancing

"Can I get you number? Or find out who you are." I ask hoping that now that her tongue has been in my mouth she would change her mind.

"You know the original reason for masquerade dances?" She asks

"No." Is my reply. Why is this important.

"So people don't know who's kissing who, Let's keep it that way." No I'm finding out who this amazing person is.

"I'll find out who you are." I say

She nods her head "Of course you will."She says sarcastically "I gotta go." and she's left my life, maybe forever.


So there we go. That's the chapter.

What's James going to do with the Myki? Do you ship them?

That's the first chapter of this book, yay. I'll try to make the chapters longer but I have serious concentration issues. Tell me if you like it.

I have James POV of this it's 'I'm Looking for my Cinderella Who's Dressed as Cat-Woman

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Have a good day, night, weekday, weekend, week and life.


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⏰ Last updated: Sep 22, 2015 ⏰

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