Stupid Little Vampire.

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I stand next to the window, holding back the thick, heavy musty emerald curtains. Watching the lemon orb I'd never see properly again float above the horizon. I'd never been particularly fond of the sunlight, but knowing that the harsh rays would never grace my skin again upset me.

I drop the curtains, the rays starting to hurt my eyes. A thin slice of window refuses to get covered. Golden light leaking into the room, dropping onto the floor. Small dust particles float around in the air, swirling in the ray. Curiosity killing the stupid little vampire. My palm creeps into the light.

I scream.

More? Maybeeee? I don't even know.

I know this isn't nearly as good as anything on here. And yeah, it's short. Please be patient, guys?

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 06, 2011 ⏰

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