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Disclaimer: I do not own PJO or any of Rick's characters.

Travis's POV

I've been waiting to prank the Demeter cabin the whole summer! With Katie-Kat on a family vacation, I could only prank the other cabins until she came back- Because what's the point if she's not there to yell at me, right? No! I do not like her... She's just the easiest to prank.

All the new kids and the ones coming back today are all crowding the dining pavilion. I try to make my way to my twin brother, Connor, but I turn back around smirking when I see him trying to hit on an Apollo girl. I walk back out towards the strawberry fields. Once I see the border, my eyes light up.

"Katie-Kat! It's your BFF, Travis!" I laugh. She hates that nickname and probably me too. I squirm over to her through the mass of demigods and I see she is saying goodbye to a man that looks strikingly like her. Brown hair and emerald green eyes. She really is beautiful.

Once I catch up to her, I swing an arm around her neck and introduce myself to her dad. "Hello. I'm Katie's man-friend, Travis Stoll." Katie glares at me, but her dad is nice enough to respond. "I am Katie's father, Mr. Gardner. Nice to meet you." He sends me a sweet smile and raises an eyebrow Katie's way. "Your boyfriend?"

"No!" She blushed and yells. Some demigods circle around us, laughing.

With one final hug, they part and he walks away. "See you soon, darling!" He calls to her. "Yes, dear!" I say, but Katie glares at me some more.

Katie's POV

Travis desperately needs a haircut. I don't think he has cut his dark hair since I last saw him in April. His royal blue eyes were full of mischief this morning during the welcoming fiasco. I noticed how his jawline is so sharp, and how he has become more muscular. My dad obviously approves of him, not that it matters! He used to be a goofball himself before he met my mom. But enough on Travis, (and no! I do not like him.)

The fireworks are tonight at camp! After tonight, there will be much training. Chiron said that we will be getting partners for an activity tomorrow. What fun.

Travis's POV
Of course our cabin came last. I noticed that Katie was wearing a short green dress. Too bad my siblings saw me looking at her.
"You so like her," said Connor.
The whole cabin said, "Oooooohhhhhh."

"Shut up, guys! No I don't!" I said.

"You haven't stopped staring at her all night," said my little sister, Ruth. She loves to gossip.

"Hey, be quiet about this, okay?" I asked her.

"No!" She laughed then ran off to tell other people. Dammit. Now everyone's gonna start rumors.

Katie's POV
I was sitting by my sister, Miranda, when I heard something. A little Hermes girl with black hair- I think her name's Ruth or Rory or something like that- she was whispering very loudly to her friend that Travis likes me. My eyes popped open widely. I pretended not to hear but looked over slyly at Travis.

He is so cute. Then I curse my brain. Ew no he's not.
But I think he was looking at me. He looked away very fastly after sending me a very small smile. I turn away and smile to myself.

"I saw that!" Miranda screamed at me.

"Shut up. Someone might hear you. And NO!"

What is this new feeling in my stomach when I look at him?

This was probably horrible. There just isn't enough Tratie to read anymore. Please kindly tell me what you think.
- Sonya

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