2 | Explain Yourself

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Ronnie returned home immediately after it had all happened. Her home didn't comfort her in any way, with the marble floors, lack of carpets, the high ceiling supported by strong grey walls. All the furniture was metal with the occasional uncomfortable scratchy cushions sitting by the glass coffee table, a 50 inch flat screen TV sat mounted onto the wall.

She entered the kitchen, the industrial stainless steel counter islands, cupboards fridges and shelves holding various ingredients and equipment. Her mother was making cookies. Ronnie sighed with relief.

"Hello mother..." she mumbled.

"Hello Veronica," her mother said, without looking up from her recipe book. "Little early to be coming back from school, isn't it?"

"Umm... I didn't go to school today. Remember? Today was the day that I went to the Parall Government Building?"

"Oh yes." She remembered. "How was your father?"

"I- uhh... I didn't see him." Ronnie admitted.

"Oh?" Her mother started. "Then what were you doing?"

"I signed a contract of my death." Ronnie snapped. That caught her mother's attention. She finally looked up.

"Ronnie! Honestly." Her mother stared. Then she waited a few seconds and her mother spoke again. "I think you're thirsty. Would you like some water?" She asked, filling up a glass from the tap.

"No, mum. I'm not thirsty." Ronnie complained.

"Just have a drink." Her mother insisted.

"No." Ronnie stated. After what she had been through, she would not budge.

Her mother stared. Then she finally set the glass down. "Very well. Would you like to tell me what happened?"

Ronnie tried to explain what had happened in the best way possible. Prime Minister Shade, his assistant, his presentation, and the mission. A good 10 minutes passed until Ronnie got to the end.

"But why was Lauren there?" Her mother asked.

She sighed. "I have no idea."

Lauren was Ronnie's best friend.

Ever since the war started when Ronnie was six and Lauren was seven, the two had been joined at the hip, and when they weren't together, they were messaging each other as well as their other friends on Pigeoneer. Ronnie, being an only child, sometimes helped Lauren babysit her two younger brothers. They've hid in bunkers together, took self defence classes together.

They were strong for each other when they couldn't be strong for themselves.

Both Ronnie and her mother heard her father come home.

"Hey, you two." He said, setting his briefcase on a dining room chair.

"How was work?" Ronnie's mum said.

"It was tiring. I just want to sit and lie down for the afternoon." He said as he took off his jacket and took a seat on the couch. "Veronica, how did the job interview go?"

Ronnie decided she would explain later. "Well," she started, holding back a scream of frustration. "They accepted me."

A/N: Hey guys so, kind of a short chapter but I have a good excuse... I just forgot what it was. Well, anyway, I believe that this needed to be included so the story can progress forward.

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