Chapter six

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Five months later

I woke up pulling back the colours and stretching out my arms. I pulled my hair In a messy bun, and then I gagged, and ran to the the toilet room. I heard footsteps come from behind, Ingrid was following me holding paper towels. I lunged at the toilet and threw up, my mouth tasted like nothingness.
"So when do you find out the gender" Ingrid said
"Today me and James are so happy, oh and remember that apartment I told you about, well we might get it" I said. Me and James had been looking for nice big apartments, suitable for a child.
"Well me and pez and drive you there, her dad is a taxi man" Ingrid said, pez was her girlfriend that she was head over heels in love with.
"Okay" I said, I walked back to the room and got changed into black yoga pants and a old tee. I heard footsteps and then a knock.
"Come in" I said James and potter walked in angrily holding a note.
"This was pinned on the door apparently Jemma Styles thinks your a slag and a slut" potter said. I shook my head. Jemma had been pinning for James for a long time, and when I started showing everyone knew James was the father, just because it's like there basset hounds.
"That's her opinion not anyone else's  just ignore it" I said, I know when your preegers you have mood swings, but I don't want to get too stressed with the baby, but I do cry a lot, and get happy easily.
"Let's just go and see our little babe, we can start picking names" I squealed.
"Okay" Ingrid said picking up her phone and texting Penelope.
"She said her dad would be here in five" Ingrid said sliding her phone in the back pocket of her shorts. Ingrid had recently stripped her hair and now it was her regular colour, a deep brown Carmel, that was so pretty with her pale skin and pink lips, she truly was pretty and I was glad she was with pez. We all walked down stairs and pez was wait for us. She intwined her fingers through Ingrid fingers and kissed her on the lips we all ooohed. Ingrid blushed something fierce. We walked in the car and I cuddled up to James, breathing in his wonderful sent of cookies. And then suddenly I wanted sugar cookies with ranch dressing, discussing right, but had been living on it.
We arrived at the clinic and patty the lady up front smiled at us. She had gotten used to the fact that we were going to have a child. James signed in and we sat down, right when she called my name.
"Hi Ella" I said
"Hi pansy, so today you are going to find out the gender of the babe" she squealed, me and her had gotten really close these past months. She laid me down on a table and started to rub jelly onto my stomach.
"Oh, oh dear lord" she paused.
"What, what is wrong with my baby" I cried out, it could only be bad news.
"Babies, honey, your going to have triplets" I cried once she said that, that meant and actual house, three cribs, three teddy bears, three of everything.
"What's there gender" James asked
"Two boys and a girl" Ella grinned, I smiled, two boys James could teach football too, a girl I could take shopping with and pick out pretty dresses, and help with makeup.
"Oh James three, three children running around a little house" I said in awe about this. A baby girl and her little brothers. All playing all being silly, and me having to keep them safe and loved and happy. Although I planned to graduate college, and get a good job as a forensic scientist, I would be a stay at home mom, and that's my true calling.
We got into a cab we rented and I cuddled into James, smelling his sweet sent, but I smelled something else, cheap perfume, lemony perfume. I only know one person that wears that perfume, Jemma Styles

Train to the AcademyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora