In the dark...

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It's dark and I am alone...

I can't stand the dark...

Someone please find me...

"Hey you ok, aru?"

A voice...

Who are you?

Please help me...


When I opened my eyes, I saw a man with a ponytail stare at me. He was wearing a long sleeve... dress? The strange man asked me the same question, "You ok, aru?"

I blinked at him and nodded. I was still confused about how I got here and how I came to be, that is why I didn't want to speak to the strange man.

The strange man smiled, "Well that's good, aru! I was really worried."

He pointed to himself, his long sleeves still covering his hands, "My name is China. What's yours?"

"Philippines..." Philippines... That's right... My name is Philippines. A small country in Asia.

China gave me his hand, "Nice to meet you Philippines! Hey Philippines, do you want something to eat, aru?"

I grabbed his hand and he pulled me up. I was disappointed when I realized that I only went up to his knees. I frowned, I am really short... I looked up at China. When will I be as big as him?

China reached into his pocket and took out a box. When he opened it, a delicious smell came from the box. China reached into the box and handed me the source of the great smell. "It's a dumpling, aru. You must try it! I made it and it is really good, aru!"

My little hands grabbed the dumpling. I blew on it to cool it down and then took a huge bite. It was so good! I want to cook something like this one day. I took more bites. The sweet taste of the pork and the juicy flavors of the other ingredients tasted so good as it went down my throat and into my stomach. After I finished the dumpling I smiled real big.

China laughed, "I told you it was going to be good, aru!"

My eyes were wide open and full of sparkles, "Salamat Po! Kuya China! Masarap!" I couldn't help but laugh and smile. It was so good! The taste of the dumpling still in my mouth.

China laughed some more, "So you do talk! But I am not quite sure what you said, aru."

China and I just sat there in the field eating his delicious dumplings and laughing. I was happy, away from the dark. In the light. I didn't want this to end.


China got up and packed his things. "Well, I should be going now, aru. Nice meeting you Philippines. "

I frowned. I tugged at China's long sleeves.

China was confused, "I am sorry Philippines but I gotta go. Don't worry I will back tomorrow, aru!"

China ran off after that statement and left me alone.

I am back in the dark...


I am scared again...

I don't like the dark...

I don't want Kuya China too leave...

Come back!

I don't wanna be alone in the dark!

Come back...

I don't like the dark...

"Pearl of the Orient Seas" Philippines X HetaliaDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora