The Begining of What?

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Ok so to be honest I really don't know exactly what I want to do with this. Yet. I have an idea though.

I mean I do know that for the past, year I've been wanting to do a sorta talk session/ rant kind of thing. So I guess this is it?

I've been getting a lot of second doubts thinking: what if this happens or that happens. What if that person says this. What if I get hate comments *gasp*. But I finally just said fuck it. All goes bad just delete it.

So here I am.

I make so many damn long comments on stuff and I like to tell stories so why not just do it here right. And with my mouth I'm sure to get hate. Hell I've already pissed off people with my comments, but I will try to moderate myself (not too much though)

Not sure if this is going to be a daily or weekly thing. Lol not daily that's a lot of work and this isn't a job, so I guess I'll update whenever I feel the need to idek.

*this is not a novel nor a fanfiction*
I'm not going to be 100% grammatically correct 100% of the time. I will use "text lingo" if and whenever tf I want to. I also cuss a lot, at times so this obviously won't be a swear word free zone:)

Well there's that.


Oh and P.S my name is Elani. Pronounced Uh-law-knee. Kapesh?

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