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As I'm sure you all know by now Zayn Malik is no longer part of One Direction. So in honor of my baby I will dedicate this chapter to him.

I'd like to start off saying that it was actually so hard for me to pick a picture. I mean he's so gorgeous that one picture doesn't capture all his beauty so I just went with the most recent pic that I had in my camera roll. None the less it's still a great pic.

Tbh I don't know why I'm writing about this now because it happened last week but anyway.....

When I first heard about him leaving I didn't even believe it because previously there was all that stuff going on with Perrie so I thought everything was just one great big gigantic fat rumor.

That is until I read what the One Direction Facebook page posted.

At this point I was just shocked. Like wow, someone actually left One Direction. What the actual fuck.

HOW? (a Facebook post -_-)

WHY? (Idk problems)

WHEN? (March 25, 2015)

Surprisingly I never actually cried, became depressed or anything like that, I was just very very sad :( I still am.

But then I started to get a wee bit angry with Zayn.

I completely understand that he wasn't feeling right being a part of the group for a while and he was getting stressed and blah blah blah. Totally get it but how tf are you going to just leave so abruptly without a sorry or anything.

Really? Really.

To this day he still hasn't even said anything. On his freaking twitter he hasn't posted anything other than that shit about him being 22 and loving Perrie.

Ok yeah you love Perrie who gives a fuck. That's just dandy.

Oh yeah there is that one interview that he did though which I haven't cared to watched.

Probably should.

But I saw this thing on twitter that he posted in 2011 on March 25 (the day he left) and the tweet said "4 more years"

Now idk if this is just a coincidence, (it's not) or if I'm just looking into things too deeply (im not) but something's a bit fishy here.

Perries vagina?

KIDDING. Haha I love Perrie

But yeah back to topic I feel like the whole boy band thing wasn't really fit for Zayn and they're probably all under a contract that I guess ended. Who knows *shrugs*.

They had to end at some point. Well it's not over but what I'm trying to say is that it wasn't going to be perfect forever.

Omg then there's this whole naughty boy crap. Ughhh I'm actually not even going to get started on that.

Even though there's all these somewhat sad/ bad things going on. Let's not forget some of the best times like the X factor stair days. And those iconic interviews that we all love.

I miss those days *sigh*

I'm going to end this before I get all nostalgic over the boys that I spent my entire 2012 summer watching clips of...

Bye guys :) x

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 27, 2015 ⏰

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