Titan Boy

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They wanted to train him, sure James was inexperienced in so many ways, but his fighting was strong, fast.

We watched Annie spar with Ymir, as titans of course.
James watched intently. His violet orbs following every blow, every movement the two made in the fight.

He was nervous.

I grasped his shaking hand gently and stroked the top with my thumb. He moved closer , decreasing the space between us so he was pressed against me.

"Kimes, get up, you against me." Eren called as Ymir and Annie shifted back.

"Alright..." James spoke hesitantly as he stood to follow Eren.
He peeked back at me giving me a nervous smile.

I gave him a small thumbs up.

God Eren, please don't kill my first boyfriend.

"3,2,1 Shift!" Eren called as both he and James bit down on their hands.

Everyone seemed caught off guard by what happened next.

James' form was oddly elegant.
Piercing eyes, fangs and slightly pointed ears gave him a look that was nearly vampiric .
His brown hair was longer, reaching his shoulder blades.

His well sculpted body easily matched Eren.

"Ready you two? " Hanji said from her place by Ymir.

James nodded slightly.

"And Fight!" She yelled happily.

Eren quickly landed a good 4 blows on James.

"Damn." James coughed.
His voice was oddly enough the same.

Eren held a smug look on his face.

James looked determined catching Eren off guard with a strong kick to his ribs and giving him a good knock in the jaw, leaving him panting on the ground as they shifted back.

Everyone approached the two.

" Well that was quick." Reiner said.

"You beat him." Hanji' s face was full of wonder.

"Nicely done Titan boy." Ymir smirked.

"Not bad at all James." Eren held out his hand, looking up at James.

They shook hands as James quickly wrapped his around mine.

He rested his chin on my head. I was tall myself but James still dwarfed me.

" You giant dork." I smiled.
He let out a light chuckle and did something I definitely didn't expect.

He kissed me.

((Sorry for my lack of updates on this story! I've been sidetracked lately and couldn't figure out what to write, but leave it to my midnight sick brain ( I have a head / chest cold) to sneeze something as a new chapter XD))

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