Chapter 1

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"Niall dear! Don't go far!" My mother yelled to me. I ran toward the hill away from my mother. She sat on a bench with my auntie. She's mothers sister. Father was at work. He works as a baker.

I pulled out my Choo Choo Toy Train from my pocket. I sit on my bottom and roll the wooden, orange, green and yellow painted Choo-Choo around the path. It's metal wheels squeaked as they roll around.

"Niall, do you want Peter Pan?" Mother called out to me. I ran up to her, leaving my Choo Choo by the hill. I grabbed my little soft toy dog.

"Thank you, Mummy." I said before going back to my Choo Choo. As I was sitting down, my foot hit my Choo Choo and it rolled down the hill.

"Oh no!" I watched it stop at the bottom of the hill. I turned towards mother. "Mummy!" I called. She was in the middle of a conversation with auntie. I looked back at my Choo Choo.

I held Peter Pan close to me as I slowly took a step down the hill. "Don't worry Peter. Everything will be alright." I told Peter Pan. I was getting scared and I almost slipped. I steadied my self, so I wouldn't fall. I didn't want to hurt myself. Once I hit the bottom, I picked up my Choo Choo. I looked at the hill. I would have go back up. It's too high and I came down here without mother. Why?

I felt the tears fall down my cheeks and soon enough, I was full on crying. I want my mummy! I cried for my mother, but she never came. I wiped my eyes, but that didn't do anything. The tears still fell. I was still scared. I still wanted my mummy.

Through my blurry vision, I saw a bright light. I heard a little bell. I sniffed and my crying slowed down. My vision became more clear. I saw a little person with what looked like swirly wings. I stopped crying.

She flew above me and sprinkled some dust over me. I sneezed. I heard the little bells again. I looked to see her smiling. I think she was laughing. She was like a little bit of sunshine. Her dress was green though. Like it was made by a leaf.

"Who-who are you?" I asked. There was a little bell again. Is that how she talks? "You sound like a little bell." I giggled.

She pointed at me and smiled. "Is that your name? Bell?" I asked. She shook her head. "Oh."

She put a finger up and looked at my Choo Choo. She jingled again and flew to my Choo Choo. That's when I realized the wheel was missing. Oh no! Not my wheel! Now my Choo Choo is broken and I can't play with it any more!

She looked at the ground. Once again she flew down. There was a little metal wheel in her hands when she flew back to my Choo Choo. She did something to it. She jingled like a little bell when she was finished. I looked at it. It was complete. I smiled.

"Thank you. You're such a little tinker, aren't you?" She jingled with a smile. "Is that your name?" She shook her head. "Then what is it then?" I asked.

She thought for a moment before pretending to fix something. "Tinker?" She put her finger up. She began jingling again. Longer this time. "I can't understand you. You jingle like a little bell." She pointed at me. "Bell?" She nodded.

She pretended to fix something again. "Tinker," she started jingling. "Bell," she moved her hands together. "Tinker Bell?" She nodded with a smile.

"Nice to meet you Tinker Bell. My name is Niall Horan." I put my hand up like Mother taught me when I meet someone. She grabbed my finger. I put my other fingers down leaving just that one. We shook. I smiled at her.

I put my hand down. I met a new friend. I'm so happy now! I looked down because I couldn't feel the ground anymore.

"Woah!" I don't know what to do now. How did this happen? How am I flying? I looked at Tinker Bell. She showed me her gold dust. "Pixie dust?" She smiled at me. "Will it help me get to my mother?" She looked down.

"What's wrong? Can I go back to my mother?" She grabbed my shirt and pulled me with her. My mother was gone and so was auntie. That's when I realized it was getting dark. Did they leave without me? I touched the ground again. I'm too upset to care. My mummy left me.

Tinker Bell jingled next to me. I looked at her. She was motioning arms. She wanted me to go with her.

"Can Peter Pan and Choo Choo come with?" I asked. She jingled. I held them close to me. Tinker Bell held my little finger and pulled me toward the sky. It was a bit cloudy but the a few stars peaked out. She pulled me toward the North Star. She explained to me where her home is. Neverland she called it.

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