Chapter 2

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Fiorello struggled against Matt, trying to not show how scared he was. "Give me one good reason why I should."

The darker Canadian gave the Italian his answer, by punching him smack dab in the face. Fiorello snarled, and tried to fight back. Only for Wolfgang or 2p Purssa's brother, Luther, dragging him back.

"Hey, let me at 'em let me at 'em!" He shouted, throwing punches at the air. Then he turned, punching Luther right in the gut.

Matthew gave Matt a soft smile."Thank you." He said Matt smiled back, hugging his younger twin, not knowing Prussia, or Gilbert, saw and was furiously heading their way.

"No problem, little b~EH?!" He yelped from where he was tackled to the ground, and turned, glaring right into the eyes of the furious past nation.

"Gil!" Matthew cried out, dragging Gilbert off Matt."My brother didn't mean any harm!"

That made Gilbert let Matthew pull him off."Brother?"

Matt stood, knocking the dirt off him."Yes. And you're lucky you're his petit ami, or I would have..." He let the threat hang in the air, and Gil nervously backed away, suddenly, two terrified shrieks filled the air both Canadians spoke in perfect sync.



(Can any guess where I got the 'let me at 'em!'from? Sorry for not being sorry!

And petit ami means boyfriend in France. Yes, I'm a Purcan shipper, and it's canon. So build something and GET OVER IT!)

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