Chapter One

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"Jason!Jason!Wake up it's time to go!" Coming Dad." With a groan he got up, got dressed and walked down stairs. "What's for breakfast?" We're going to pick up food on the way to the airport because otherwise we're going to miss our flight."Jason slowly walked to the car and got in and as Dad said they stopped of somewhere to get a bite to eat. The arrived at Heathrow airport an hour and a half later just in time for their flight to Finland (again). "Why do we keep going to Finland I'm just going to get bored because there will be nothing to do." "I promise we'll find something new to do this year I promise your going to have a great time."

Jason arrived at Finland at 10:30am the hotel they were staying in was surrounded buy plain white mountains of snow and huge spruce trees. "Come on its going to be fun I bet you!" "Sure it will." He got unpacked in his room small but a good enough size for only a week. "Daddy I'm scared were really high up now" "it's going to be fine your strapped in you won't fall out." Jason felt a chill down his spine the kind of one that gives you the feeling that something is going to happen something bad. "Well here I goooooo! Jason sped down the hill at top speed. Until he crashed into a post at the bottom. "I hope no one saw that" unfortunately someone did. "Hi my names Morgan what's your name?" "Oh my names Jason nice to meet you" "I saw you smash into that post I just came to see if you're ok" "yea I'm fine just a little shaky." "Thats ok it happens to everybody at least once do you want to get a drink there's a bar right around the corner." "Sure"

"So I want to know what your here for you know just so we can get to know each other a bit more." "I've come over here with my family my Dad my Mum and my little sister Jessica, this is about the fifth time we've come here and I'm getting a bit bored." "That's ok I know what will cheer you right up come on follow me!" Morgan got hold of Jason's arm and tugged him right up to her hotel room no.37 and took him inside Jason and Morgan got up to mischief all night, the next day Jason woke up in bed with Morgan "Ughhhhhh." Jason looked at the time 3:00am "I've better get back to my Mum and Dad I bet they are wondering where I am." Jason got up and slowly walked out of the room trying not to wake Morgan up. He opened his room door open and snook in suddenly the light cam on! "Where were you last night we were worried sick go on get in to bed its 3:15 in the morning try to get some sleep." "Ok Mum love you."

My holiday gone wrongOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora