Chapter Two

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The next morning he got up and felt that same feeling he felt the day before but he didn't think anything of it. " What time is it" The time was 11:24am. "Oh no im late for meeting Morgan!" Jason went as fast as he could slipping and sliding on the snow and ice. "Sorry, my fault sorry there you are Morgan." "Oh hi Jason you look out of breath." "Yea ive just ran down here!" "So what do you want to do today?" "Well i was thinkng we could have lunch together you know just to get to know each other a bit better just like you said." "Ok i think that will be nice." He and Morgan went to get some lunch at the local cafe with no idea what has going to happen.

"Jason i just want to say thank you youve been a great friend and thank you for taking me out for lunch its very kind of you." "Its nothing i jus wanted togive something back for you being a great friend to me." Suddenly they heard a load rumbling coming from outside. "What was that!" "Oh dont worry about that it will be just a small earthquake they dont do much harm." "Well im going to see, coming?" Jason ran outside only to see a solid white wall of snow racig down the side of the mountain. "O.M.G ITS AN AVALANCH EVERYBODY RU FOR YOUR LIVES!" "Morgan im going to find my family." "Wait for me please!" Jason ran around and finaly found his family tacking cover behind a toliet block. "DAD MUM JESSICA!" "JASON!" Jason did a dive behind the toliet block just in time because the avalanch came rushing past luckly not knocking down the building but knocking him uncontious.

"JJAASSOONN!JJASSOONN! Come on please wake up!" "What where am? Dad your ok where's Mum and Jessica?" "Thier ok just a bit shaky but are you ok." "Yea im fine, what happened?" "You just went uncontious for a bit are you ok though?" "Yea im fine." "Up you come then." Jason looked around. "Well thiss place has changed, a lot." The sorrounding area used to be all livley and full off joy with the sound of childrens laughter, now its just a white wasteland quiet and lonley. "JASON!" Jessica charged at him with great speed then jumped into his arms and hugging him really tight. "Its going to be ok Jessica its going to be ok." Tears ran down thier eyes washing away thier fear of being stuck here, he felt hope deep in his heart the hope that him and his family get out of here safely and alive.

"Dad i think it will be a good idea if we go and search for any survivors." "Great idea." He set off to look for any survivors with his family close behind him. "Mummy im frightened!" "I know you are sweaty we all are we all promise that we'll get out safely." "I promise." "I promise." "I promise too." "See were all going to be ok." "Mum i think you and Jessica should stay here you will be safer " He set off with his Dad and Morgan trailing closely behind. They had been searching for neally a hour and there wasn't the tiniest sign of any human life. "Shhhhhhhh" whisperd Jason "What is it?" "I dont know you guys stay here ill go check it out" His Dad ran into the small wood for a short time it was quiet no sound exept from the distant tweeting of a Siberian Jay , suddenly there was a loud scream then silence!

"DAD, DAD!" Jason panicked wondering what to do. He sprinted as fast as he could in the direction the scream came from. "Dad are you there Dad where are you please just give me a hint" Jason was panicking so much he didn't notice the hole infront of him so he stumbled and lost his footing in the snow and fell gracefully backwards into the pit, he hit the bottom with such force he was knocked him self out leaving Morgan no clue where he is or what happened.

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⏰ Last updated: May 07, 2016 ⏰

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