Naruto One Shot: Happy Dreams

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The trees pass you by as you run through the forest. Lady Tsunade gave you instructions and pictures of the medicinal herbs she needed and how to acquire them. It was already midday and the sun was blazing high up in the sky. Finally the trees give way to a clearing. You find yourself to be in a beautiful meadow with a lake, the surface of which glistening like diamonds. As you pick the shrubs growing all over the place, you shriek when you see Naruto inches away from where you were about to step, shrouded by the tall grass. Your about to tell him off, but at closer glance you see that he has his eyes closed, breathing evenly, with a little smile tugging at his lips. Your heart contracts a little and you smile. He must have been training . You kneel down next to him and hesitant at first, you run your hand through his soft blonde hair. He really does look so peaceful when hes asleep. Naruto whispers something incoherent in his sleep. You come closer to him trying to make sense of what hes saying. Suddenly Naruto jerks his hand and pulls you down onto him. He really holds onto you. the word he was whispering before he yells now.

"Ramen!" His grip is vise like, how are you supposed to get out of this one? He starts snoring again when he suddenly turns over. The breath is knocked out of you. Naruto is basically sprawled on top of you now. You start panicking and try to get out, but he has you pinned down. Of all the things that could have delayed you on a mission. A while passes by but Naruto stubbornly stays deep in sleep. His face is buried in the crook of your neck, his steady and soft breaths tickling your neck. As much as you don't want to wake him, he really is heavy. Taking in a deep breath you yell out,

"Naruto you knucklehead get off me!" He grunts and lifts his head a little. To your disbelief he's still asleep!

His mouth is level to your ear and to your horror you hear him mumble,

" Thanks for the food old man!" Before you can react he bites down on your neck.

"Eh?EHHH!!" Hearing your scream, this time he really does wake up.

"What, what happened?" He has a confused and startled look , his blue eyes wide and frazzled. You push him off of you and he falls backwards. You stare at him in disbelief, your face flushed scarlet.

"You, you bit me!" You feel embarrassed, but try to cover it up by sounding mad.

What, no I didn't! He looks at your neck and grins like a child.

"Nice love mark Y/N." You flush an even deeper red and punch him.

" You bit me in your sleep idiot!" He fly's a couple of feet, allowing you to regain your composure. You stand up and dust the grass off of yourself. Naruto strolls back towards you.

"  I  remember the last part of my dream being that I finally got to eat ramen, I took the first bite and I woke up. Realization finally dawns on Naruto and he starts to look a bit sheepish, a faint blush dusting his cheeks. You start to make your way past him, but he grabs your waist to stop you. He leans down and kisses the place where he bit you. His lips brush against your earlobe as he whispers.

" You over Ramen any day"

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