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Continuing on we were kicked out of our hotel so we had to improvise and go to a little hotel that was a few blocks away from our last hotel, it was way less extravagant it was was small and didn't have much furniture and the rooms were small and it reared of smoke fumes and rotten eggs.

In the night I couldn't sleep there were only two beds my parents shared one bed and ms and my brother and sisters, it was way too crowded i was constantly woken up by the angry vacuum that seemed to never end. After that long night we finally got to meet my relative his name was Adam he had short brown hair combed up spiked hair.

His house was pretty nice he had leather couches hard wood floors and a beautiful fish tank with hundreds of fish.we stayed there for two weeks but I pretty sure he'll never want we back to his home, well because....

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 23, 2015 ⏰

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