Prompt #15

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Sentence prompt: 

''Why do you keep doing this?'' Roman asked as you once again shield away from his affection

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''Why do you keep doing this?'' Roman asked as you once again shield away from his affection

''Do what?'' You asked

''Why do you keep pushing me away'' Roman was at a loss. Despite being in a relationship, no matter what he did, he just couldn't get close to you. ''If i try to kiss you you turn your head away, if i try to hug you you pull away from me''

The truth was that you didn't feel worthy of him so you were distancing yourself in preparation for the day he'd leave you for someone else

''I'm sorry'' you said 

''Then why?'' Roman asked ''Cos' one day you're gonna push me away and i'm not gonna come back''

Roman's words hit you hard and made you realize that you needed to be honest with him in order to save what you had

"If I distance myself from you then it'll hurt less when you eventually leave me"

This wasn't the first time Roman had heard you say such a thing "Is that what this is all about? I've already told you that I don't want anyone else"

"I know" you replied as he kissed you on the head "I just feel like I'm not good enough for you"

"Don't speak about yourself like that!" Roman replied "You're gorgeous and I'm not planning on leaving you so you can stop avoiding me"

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