Love Makes You Do Crazy Things

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(Emily's PoV)


"Alison! I know you're by girlfriend but if you don't get up right now I will kick your ass." I say to a half asleep blonde sprawled over her bed. We've been dating for almost 4 months now, I asked her out a week after our first kiss, I wanted to ask her as soon as we left the kissing rock, but I knew it was a bit soon. After all we'd only met each other that day. But from the moment I laid eyes on her I knew that I needed her in my life. Cheesy I know!

"Can't we just skip school again and make out all day?!" She groans, her hair covering all of her face as she speaks. "No. Remember our plan? We're doing it today so you have to get up!" I say, she slowly lifts her head up to look into my eyes and she smiles. "You look beautiful, as usual." She says, I blush slightly. "So do you," I smile at her, "but you'd look more beautiful if you got changed and brushed your hair." I smirk at her whilst pointing to the floor. "Up. Now." I say, my voice leaving no room for argument. She just groans before getting up out of her bed. I look at her and realise what she's wearing. "Ali, are you even wearing shorts?" I ask, becoming completely aroused at the sight in front of me. "Nope." She winks at me, before walking into the bathroom, clearly swaying her hips more so I can get a better look at her ass. All Alison is wearing is a large top which nearly covers her ass and some lacy underwear. I mean sure, I've seen Alison in short-shorts before. But damn!

I go over to Alison's wardrobe to pick out an outfit for her whilst she brushes her teeth and does her hair. I pick out black ripped skinny jeans with a grey "Twenty-one Pilots'' low cut tank and some white converse. Alison comes back out, her hair in a nice messy bun, her eye makeup is quite dark but the rest of her face is light and simple. She takes off her top and I force myself not to stare directly at her half-naked body as she puts on her clothes. When she's done we go downstairs, we both grab an apple before heading off to the brew for coffee, hand in hand.


"One Vanilla Latte and One Americano Straight," the girl at the cash register, her name is Cece, says to Ali and I. She looks at our linked hands and smiles. "Well, the coffee is at least." She winks before handing us the coffees grinning. We take a sip of our coffees before walking out the door to school.

"So, when is our plan being put into action?" Ali asks, taking a sip of her Latte whilst leaning against the lockers. "Well, I was thinking we could do it tonight?" I ask her, we've been planning this for ages now and I need to make sure she's okay with it. "Good, okay. So what's the plan then?" She asks, smirking at me. "Well, we should leave my house around 9:20. That's around when the last of the teachers leave school. We'll need an electric screwdriver, some bobby pins and a bag to carry the files in, also we need torches. I've got our jumpers and masks in the boot of my car. We'll probably get to school around 9:40, I'll park my motorbike a few blocks down. When we get in, we have to unlock the door to Vice Principal Hackett's office. We get our files, and anything else we can find and get out." I say, grabbing my English book and placing it in my bag. I look up at her and see the twinkle of excitement in her eyes. "Sounds good!" She says before pulling me into a long, passionate kiss. She pushes me up against my locker and runs her hands up and down my body and bites down on my bottom lip. I let out a small moan and she pulls away. She grins at me before placing a kiss on my cheek. "W-what was that for?" I ask, trying to catch my breath. She gives me her sweet smile. "I'm just really excited..." Her smile turns into a smirk and she says. "Also you look fucking hot this morning so I couldn't resist." She winks at me before getting her books from her locker. I can't control the blush which creeps up on my face, she walks back over to me when she's finished getting her books. She gives me a chaste kiss on my lips before linking my arm with hers. "Come on, let's get to class." She smiles.

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