Chapter 1: Where Are We?

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I never thought someone like me would be asked to attend what I guess you could call it a world tour. I am just a racer after all,nothing super special about that. My name is Hiroto Hayasa,and up until now my life consisted of traveling around the world to race. I mainly am a race car driver and go kart racer but I also have done horse racing. When I heard about this cruise I was happy to accept. Now I see myself looking at the entrance to the cruise ship. I started to walk to the ship with my suitcase rolling behind me. I readjusted my black scarf as I walked up the boardwalk. I suddenly started to feel as though strength was leaving my body,as I hit the ground. Unconscious.
"Where am I?" I asked waking up leaning against the wall of the ship sitting on the wood floor of the bow. I stood up and looked at my wrist. A black bracelet with blue around the center was attached to my right wrist.
"W-what the? When did I get this?" I said as I dazedly look over to my left and saw a girl. She had a swarthy complextion, and had long wavy brown hair. She had an eye patch covering her left eye and wore a crimson bandana,she also wore a black coat that went to her thighs and a crimson crop top with gray pants and black boots with gold buckles.  The girl was looking at me confused.
"Who the hell are you?" She asked with a sort of glare.
"I-I'm Hiroto Hayasa." I replied rubbing the back of my head
"You sound like a wimp," The girl folded her arms and continued looking at me. "My name is Hamako Jones,my special skill is being a pirate. I recommend you stay on my good side."
"I-I'll try to." Looking at this girl I knew she would be someone I don't want to mess with,nor see the bad side of.
I looked at her wrist and she had a bracelet on her wrist as well, except it was red around the bracelet in the center.
"So you have a bracelet too?" Hamako asked me slightly titling her head.
"Yeah I do have one." I replied fixing my scarf.
"Oh so two more lovely people have decided to join us," A brown haired male said with his hands in the pocket of his green sweatshirt that was unzip showing a black t-shirt. "My name is Logan East my special skill is a prankster." He smiled.
"So you're gonna be a troublemaker just like me aren't you?" Hamako asked walking up to Logan.
"Maybe,then again maybe not." Logan kept the smile on his face.
"Oh and by the way there are others here,they just sent me to check if anyone else was here." Logan added ruffling his hair.
"Do you have a bracelet too?" Hiroto asked as Logan nodded and took his left hand out of his pocket and showed them the bracelet. The bracelet was just like mine and Hamako's but green in the center of the bracelet.
"So,where are the others?" I asked him.
"Come with me I can show you where they are." Logan insisted.
So we walked to part of the ship that lead us to a huge dinning hall,where we saw seven other people, 4 were girls and 3 guys.
"Looks like Logan has brought us two more people to join us!" A brunette with her hair pulled back in a high pony tail confronted us,she wore a black tank top and blue shorts as she put her hands on her hips.
The girl ran over to me and Hamako and put both her hands out,one to each of us.
"My name is Julia Jackson,my special skill is swimming." She smiled brightly.
Julia had a bracelet like we did with royal blue in the center,that I noticed when I shook her hand,Hamako did the same.
"I'm really curious what these bracelets are for? It looks like we all have one at this point." Logan pointed out putting his index finger on his right cheek.
"You two have one too?"  Julia asked looking at me and Hamako and grabbed our wrist.  "I see I was correct!" She smiled brightly. "I love it when I am right."
"Don't you have an ego?" Hamako said sarcastically.
"Yes ma'am!" Julia smiled saluting Hamako. 
A pale skinned brown haired male wearing a white long sleeved button up shirt with a black vest over it,he was also wearing black dress pants with formal dark brown shoes. Walked up to me and bowed to me.
"My name is Ray Tsuji,my special skill is being a servant. It's a pleasure to meet you." 
When Ray started talking I noticed he had a British accent,the accent with thick,but it wasn't hard to understand him.
"Ray! Get me some water!" A girl with long silky red hair with highlights, her attire consisted of black heels and blue jeans,with a pretty pink shirt with a black shall over it. Her complexion was a bit darker then Hamako and she had almost an hour glass figure. Her special skill also wasn't very apparent in her attire.
"Yes my lady." Ray responded running off.
Hamako and I look at the girl confused.
"What are you looking at?" She asked looking over to Hamako and I.
"Who are you and why are you bossing Ray around?" Hamako asked the girl.
"I'm Maria Massacre,my special skill is a mechanic. I'm bossing him around because,well he's a servant isn't he?" She said walking up to Hamako. 
Maria was only a few inches taller then Hamako but the main reason was most likely the heels.
"Doesn't mean he doesn't work for someone already." Hamako glared up at Maria.
"Well he has no master here,so I'm his master now." She bonked Hamako on the head and turned around whipping Hamako in the face with her red hair.
"That's defiantly dyed,but how is it so soft and perfect?" Hamako mumbled loud enough for me to hear.
I looked over to my right and saw two girls talking to each other,one had long blue hair and was wearing a lab coat. The other has medium length white hair and was wearing a long pink sweatshirt that went over her hands. She had a cut on her cheek that I could see from the angle I was at.
"Pervert!" The blue haired girl yelled at me.
"W-what?! No! I'm not a pervert!" I replied yelling back.
"Whatever you creep," The blue hair girl said folding her arms. "My  name is Kitty Summer by the way,special skill is veterinarian,this is Kei Orihara," Kitty said pointing to the white haired girl. "She doesn't talk much,but her special skill is Slow-motion animator. Very specific for a girl who doesn't say much. Though it makes sense."
"Wow you talk a lot." I sighed.  When I compared Kei to everyone else she was very conspicuous with her attire,since it was a bright pink.
I then looked over and saw a some what feminine looking male,how I could tell the person was a male,well his attire. He had a brownish- red hair color that was tied back in a low ponytail. He wore a black shirt with a collar and long tan pants with black shoes. The male looked as though he was quoting something quietly including hand gestures and full facial expressions. I crept over to him watching him as he continued.
"Excuse me." I asked as he stopped immediately and smiled and me.
"Hello it's a pleasure to meet you,my name is Brandon Zara,my special skill is acting." Brandon put his hand out to me and I shook it back with a smile.
The last person I spotted was what looked like a female,but they were flat chested. Though it is possible that they are transgender or a younger female. I looked at their shoulders and they are broad. With that I figured it was probably male. The baggier clothes which consisted of a red t-shirt and shorts they also wore glasses,which also helped but I didn't take that into consideration until now. I walked to up what I thought was a he,and I didn't want to say it. But it came out of my mouth involuntarily.
"You're a guy right?" I asked them.
"Yes I am male! Do I look like a female to you?!" He yelled at me.
"Well kind of yeah." I looked down at my feet a bit.
"Well I am male,if you need proof I can provide it." He glared daggers at me.
"No! I'm good! No proof needed!" I replied frantically waving my arms.
"Next time don't just walk up to someone and ask their gender before even asking their name." He folded his arms and looked away from me but her turned his attention to Maria.  
"What is your name then?" I asked embarrassed rubbing the back of my head.
"Hikaru Kida,special skill editor." He replied still looking at Maria.
"You like her don't you?" I asked waving my hand in front of his face trying to get his attention away from her,but that didn't happen.
"More then anything,but she has denied my existence since we have arrived here. She's been enjoying her time with Ray. What is he to her anyway? He's just a servant. Once we leave here,the likely hood of him going to work for her is highly unlikely. "
"Well yeah,if he works for someone who is rich,why would he give it up?" I asked as Hikaru looked away from her.
"Exactly,unless they get married and he is still a servant. Though we don't even know his amount of pay. It could be low,decent or high."
"You must be really smart." I sighed disappointed in myself.
"Yes I am. I won't brag about it though." He replied.
A bell rang several times as a voice on the intercom came on.
"Meet in the auditorium,I repeat meet in the auditorium. It's down the hall and to the right. There's a sign." The voice on the intercom echoed in the room before going off.
"Well let's get going everyone!" Julia smiled, "I'll race you all there!" She ran off as Hamako ran after her.
When we got to the auditorium Hamako was breathing heavily and so was Julia.
"You aren't a bad running." Julia smiled at Hamako.
"I can run faster,but I'm wearing boots." Hamako smiled
"Maybe we can race again later?" Julia asked and Hamako nodded going to take a seat in front of the stage.
When Brandon walked in, his eyes widened when seeing the stage.
"So beautiful!" He yelled running and sitting in the front row in the center staring at the stage in awe.
Soon everyone else flooded in and took a seat in one of the chairs.
I sat down next to Hamako. The chairs were like chairs you would sit at while watching a play. A crimson; leather like texture. Kei came and sat on the right of me and at the right of her was Kitty. I saw a little bit of what was in Kei's sweatshirt pocket what looked like a switchblade. I scooted over more to the left of my chair uneasily.
Next thing I knew,the lights were off. Pitch black. As an ominous diabolical laugh filled up the room.

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