two (chocolate)

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Two [Chocolate]
       Preston ran a hand gently through his brown hair, head aching horribly from the late night adventure that involved him getting incredibly drunk. He regretted his actions now, as he was hungover as hell. Unfortunately, he knew that he needed to go shopping, not only for something, anything, that could possibly cure his terrible migraine, but for normal things as well.
       "Good job Preston..." He murmured, hoping nobody heard him talking to himself, "Get yourself drunk, give your kik and probably your phone number to random freaking people."
       Before going to the shop, he decided it wouldn't be too horrible of an idea to get a drink, preferably coffee. A bell chimed gently overhead as he entered the charming little shop, which had a sparse amount of people, hosting only three males, two of which were in a booth in the far back, chatting softly with one another. The third, a stunning and strangely recognizable brunet, sat closer to the front. Recognizable from where? He couldn't tell. Perhaps they'd met at the club last night.
       "What can I get you?" The barista asked, flashing an enchanting smile.
       "Can I just get a regular coffee?" He asked tiredly.
       "'Course, hon." Her smile faded to a mild yet still quite pleasant dimple as she moved to prepare his order.
       As Preston waited, the ring of the door sounded. He turned to find that the attractive boy from before had left, and shook his head. Did he really need to associate himself with more strangers? No.
       The barista returned with his coffee, and he payed her, handing her much more than what had been requested and leaving before she could protest at such a generous tip. He sipped the warm drink as he walked, wrapping his slightly cold hands around the steaming cup and admiring the breathtaking weather.
       A leaf fell from a tree he passed under and landed on his head before he shook it off. A smile graced his lips as he strolled through the small town, appreciating the almost overwhelming aesthetics of the beautiful area.
       Before he knew it, he was standing in front of the shop. Sighing through his nose, Preston took one last sip of his drink and tossed it into a trashcan. There hadn't been much left, so it was no big deal to get rid of it. With his head pulsing gently, he entered the store and looked around. Wanting very much to be home, he quickly grabbed a basket and headed to the pharmaceutical department to get some aspirin, or whatever the hell it was that worked best to cure headaches resulting from hangovers.
       As he shopped, he could have sworn he saw the man from before picking through the cereal, but shook it off as mere allusion caused by his intensely under-the-weather mood. He rushed to collect the food he needed after getting a couple of bottles of Advil, and ended up colliding with someone when he got to the energy drink section of the store.
       "My bad!" He squeaked at the same time the other person grunted an apology.
       "I'm so sorry." Preston apologized again, cheeks heating up when he realized just who he'd bumped into.
       "It's no problem." The other replied, smiling kindly, though he looked as tired as Preston felt, "Honestly, I'm hungover as heck, so it was probably my fault." He chuckled.
       "Holy fudge, me too." Preston giggled, slightly embarrassed that this was how they'd happened to meet.
       "I'm Rob." The boy introduced.
       "Oh! I'm Preston." Preston replied, reaching out a hand for the other to shake.
       "Well, Preston, not sure which way you swing but you're quite attractive. Would you mind exchanging phone numbers?" Rob questioned, a shy blush forming despite his confident tone.
       "Why not?" Preston smiled, pulling out his phone, "And I'm always on the merry-go-round. Always."
       Both men chuckled as they traded phones and tapped in their numbers. Preston labeled his contact 'Bae af (Preston)' and giggled as he returned Rob's phone.
       "Thank you kind sir." Rob bowed slightly after giving Preston his phone.
       Preston nodded, self-consciously looking down as a wide smile formed on his face. He couldn't get it to go away, so he avoided looking at Rob, who noticed it and chuckled softly.
       "Well, Preston, it was nice meeting you, but I have to get home with this food." He held up his own basket, which was full of mainly junk food, as well as a carton of milk and a couple bottles of Tylenol.
       "Um, don't get Tylenol." Preston advised, "It's got acetaphetamine or whatever the word is. It messes with the other chemicals in the medicine and makes the hangover worse."
       "Really?" Rob asked, eyes widening, "Thanks man! I honestly had no clue about that. So Advil works better?"
       "Yep. See ya around maybe?" Preston smiled as Rob nodded and left.
       He looked up at the energy drink that were at the top of the shelf beside him before stretching to pull down a couple of the red and pink bottles. He put them in his basket and went to the fridges, where he collected a carton of milk and a carton of orange juice before heading to the registers.
       He saw Rob exiting the store as he emptied his basket onto the conveyer belt and the employee rang up the items.
       "Okay, that'll be-"
       Preston cut off the teenager by handing him six gold blocks and gathering his bags, "Keep the change."
       "This is way too much!" The boy protested.
       "It's fine, just take it." Preston shook his head.
       "O-okay... Thank you for shopping with us?" The boy said, watching curiously as Preston carried his bags out of the store.
       Preston cursed himself under his breath as he walked home, wishing he'd brought his car instead.
       "Preston!" Rob's voice called out, and Preston turned his head, "Need a ride home?"
       "Sure, if it's not too much trouble..." Preston shifted his bags nervously as Rob opened the door.
       "It's fine. Get in and I'll take you home." Rob smiled kindly.
       Preston sat his bags on the seat and got in, buckling the seatbelt and closing the door.
       "Where to?" Rob asked.
       Preston quickly told him his address and they rode together in a silence that was only slightly uncomfortable. The car came to a squeaky halt in front of Preston's house, which he'd made when he first came to the town a couple years ago and had since upgraded from wood to cobble to clean stone.
       "Your house is nice." Rob complimented sincerely.
       Preston blushed and flicked his head to move his hair out of his eyes.
       "Thanks... It's kind of small but it's just me and Kenny, so it doesn't need to be large."
       "It's cute!" Rob exclaimed, grinning.
       Preston smiled at him and opened the door. He unbuckled his belt and slid out, bringing his bags with him.
       "Thanks Rob." Preston said, "I'm gonna put this stuff away and sleep till the end of time. Have a nice day."
       "I'll be sure to wake you up later with inappropriate texts." Rob winked as Preston closed the door with a laugh.
       "Bye dude." Preston waved and Rob waved back before driving away.
       Preston walked up the gravel and cobblestone pathway that led to the door and knocked, too lazy to get his keys. After a few moments he knocked again and an annoyed Kenny opened the door, wearing only his jacket and a pair of grey boxers.
       "Jeebus Kenny!" Preston chuckled, "No pants much?"
       He entered the house and Kenny closed the door behind him, "What did you get?"
       "Just some stuff. I'm gonna take a couple Advil and try to sleep." Preston replied, putting the bags on the counter and pulling out one of the small blue bottles. "You can put this stuff away."
       He winked and ran to his room before Kenny's half-asleep brain could process what he'd said.

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