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I'm feeling pretty good about this one, guys. This shall be epic.


Taylor's POV

I was calmly watching Doctor Who when it happened.

11 was running around with Amy and Rory in the TARDIS on screen. Since I was watching it on Hulu (for some strange reason), the commercials came on (only one or two, but still).

Just as the screen went black for the first round of commercials (and my sister Tara entered the room), a green light shone from the TV and then faded to show...11 and the Ponds staring at me.

"That's creepy," I said. "It's like they're starting straight at us through the TV."

The Doctor mouthed something and fiddled with something off screen. I didn't mute the TV accidentally, did I? Where's the remote?

"Definitely," Tara agreed from behind me.

"Ah, there we are," said 11, and suddenly he was back on screen. He waved at us. "Hello Texas twins!"

We exchanged wide eyed looks.

"Hi..." I said slowly. "How did you get on my TV?"

"Your TV? We live here together!" Tara interrupted.

"I bought the TV, end of story," I defended. "So suck it."

"You suck it."

"You suck it."

"You suck-"

"Stop!" Amy yelled. "You're like children."

We shrugged. She wasn't wrong.

"Why are you looking for us?" Tara asked.

"Well, there's no easy way to say this..." Rory started anxiously.

"You're aliens." 11 said happily. Amy smacked him. "Ow!"

"I said break it to them gently, moron!"

They all looked at us, only to see wide grins.

"Cool," we breathed.

11 waved his sonic. "The teleport should work now."

We stared at him. Was he really suggesting...?

"Well, come on, then!" he said impatiently.

"Okay, okay," Tara muttered.

"Chill," I added.

We walked up to the TV screen.

"Allons-y," Tara said.

"Geronimo, actually," I corrected.


We took a deep breath, and jumped into my TV.

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