Untitled Part 1

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 Five months. That is how long Kaitlyn Bristowe and Shawn Booth were engaged. Kaitlyn thought she found her Prince Charming, until she found out Shawn was only in it for the fame. When the buzz around the two of them left, so did he. Kaitlyn was heartbroken.

Kaitlyn went on the Bachelor hoping to fall in love with Chris Soules. And she did. Except, he fell for someone else. When Kaitlyn was given the opportunity to be the next Bachelorette, she was ecstatic. She met twenty-five great guys and she knew from the beginning Shawn was the one. It was a difficult season but he was always there for her even when everyone was so nasty to her on social media. Now, Shawn is making money off of the fame he gained from breaking off the engagement. And Kaitlyn is just trying to move on with her life.


KAITLYN'S POV: Now that Shawn and I have broken up, I'm just trying to get back into a normal routine. It seems that every time I go on social media, the topic of conversation is always our break-up. And the worst part is, the fans blame me. Shawn went on national TV to tell everyone the engagement was off and they blame me. The list of reasons include: me being a slut, Shawn could do better, and oh, I cheated on him. If only they knew none of that was true. The fans actually feel bad for Shawn. That whole bullshit about him knowing I was the one before meeting me was total crap. Now, I'm just trying to get back into teaching dance classes and adjusting to life in San Francisco. I needed a new change of pace and this was the perfect place to do so.

I just got out of teaching three ballet classes in a row and I am exhausted! I head to Starbucks, but while walking over there I see a familiar face. It can't be him can it? I yell his name anyways. "Ben!"

BEN'S POV: SO MANY INTERVIEWS! Ever since it had been announced that I was be the next Bachelor there have been nonstop interviews. I'm in San Francisco today, but tomorrow I'm heading to NYC to go on Good Morning America. Don't get me wrong, I'm so grateful to receive this opportunity, but it's like I am never alone anymore. I finally get some time by myself so I head over to the Starbucks near my hotel. As I'm walking over someone shouts my name. It's Kaitlyn. The girl I fell head over heels in love with who then chose someone else. Yet, she still looks as beautiful since the last time I saw her.

KAITLYN'S POV: "Kaitlyn", he yells back. We walk over to each other not really knowing whether to hug or shake hands. "What are you doing in San Francisco", I ask him. He tells me he is here for an interview. God is it good to see him. The last time we saw each other was at the Men Tell All show and it was so difficult to try to explain why it wasn't him. I ask him if he's excited about being the next Bachelor and he asks me how I'm doing after the break up.

BEN'S POV: We catch up for a couple of minutes before she asks me about the show. We start filming in two weeks. I then proceed to ask how she's coping with the break up. God is it good to see her. I just want to keep talking, but then I remember that I am about to hopefully meet my future wife.

KAITLYN'S POV: I know Ben is starting to film the new season soon, but I do not want to stop talking to him. So I ask him to dinner. It would be nice to chat with an old friend. Someone who understands the pressure of the media and scrutiny of it all. And he says yes! Wait, why do I have butterflies? No, stop! This is not a date! This is two plutonic friends, who almost fell in love, having dinner.


BEN'S POV: I arrive to the restaurant early. The feelings that I once had for Kaitlyn are coming back. This can't happen. I'm about to go on a show where I hope to find my wife. Why am I meeting with my ex-girlfriend? Oh god, here she is looking more stunning than ever in a tight black dress.

KAITLYN'S POV: Ben looks so good in his suit. We walk over to the table and he pulls out my chair. We order drinks and just talk. Everything with him is so easy. Why didn't I choose him?

BEN'S POV: We talk for what seems like forever. But I have to stop her. I said yes to the dinner because the last time I saw her she never told me why she sent me home. She said we were something special and then she dumped me. I need an answer. "Why did you send me home", I cut her off.

KAITLYN'S POV: I stop short as Ben asks me why I dumped him. I know why he's asking, but I don't have an answer. So I delicately try to explain to him that I was falling in love him, but I also was falling in love with two other guys. What I don't mention is that I was taking a gamble. And I lost in the end. Shawn dumped me. Ben is getting another opportunity and Nick was in it for the fame.

BEN'S POV: She tells me exactly what she told me at the Men Tell All. Nothing. I loved this girl but at the same time she infuriates me. I deserve more than that. But I still love her. No Ben. You have an opportunity to meet your wife and it's not Kaitlyn.

KAITLYN'S POV: The rest of the dinner is quiet. Ben walks me back to my apartment afterwards. He kisses me on the cheek and we say our goodbyes. I really hope this isn't the last time I see him.


BEN'S POV: This night has been amazing! We started filming tonight and I have met 24 amazing women. I definitely feel like my wife is waiting for me here. Let my Bachelor journey begin! One girl left. I wonder what she's like.

KAITLYN'S POV: I sit in the limo rubbing my hands up and down my thighs. I'm so nervous. Ever since I saw Ben last I couldn't get him out of my head. I keep thinking what if I had chosen him? I couldn't let that idea go. I called Chris Harrison (the host of the Bachelor/Bachelorette) two days before Ben started filming trying to see if there was any way I could get on the show. I have to give us another try. We fell in love once, what's to say it couldn't happen again. I just hope he will be happy to see me. I want to get it right this time. The driver opens the door. Here goes nothing.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 24, 2015 ⏰

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