Chapter 7: Tag Is Fun No Matter What Age You Are

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"Really Lizzie, it feels like a 100 degrees out here. It was terrible by the way," Lawrence stated walking into the venue. He seemed mad.

I was surprised, then again I have never seen any of them angry. I have seen Cody agitated, on the one day at the cafe he was mad cause I felt useless and obviously he felt otherwise.

"Don't worry he'll get over it," Marcus claimed and walked in.

Barry handed me my bags from the trunk. We walked in. I had never been at a real concert hall before so it amazed me. I started acting like a five year-old, running around. I ran up stairs to the balcony bit, then ran back down. I kept screaming WEEEEEEEEEEEEEE and YAYYYYYYYYYYYY! It turned out that Cody and Marcus thought it was so funny that they were on their backs rolling round in one of the walk ways.

Once I was done and they were still laughing, I went and sat down in between them. My hair was down out of its pony tail and was in my face but I didn't care. I didn't want Marcus and Cody to hyperventilate. I put one hand on Cody's arm and the other on Marcus's, they stopped rolling. They just looked at me than began laughing again.

"You guys need to stop, you aren't getting enough oxygen," I explained in a kind of cry. I felt a tear. They looked up at me.

Cody sat up, his face was inches from mine. He wiped the tear away, "Okay, we'll stop."

"Hmm, that's odd," Marcus said. Cody and I just looked at him. He poked me,"YOU'RE IT!"

"MARCUS CLIDE YOU ARE SO DEAD!" I shouted and started chasing him.

"Oh sorry you can't get me just yet sweetie, there's no tag backs," he laughed then kept running towards the balcony stairs.

"Fine Then Cody Brant You Are It," I said patting him on the head and making a run for it.

"Okay," Cody said ran up to Barry, who was playing with his drum sticks and tagged him. "You're it Barry."

I was standing in the isle waiting to see what was going to happen. Barry started to chase after Cody. Cody ran towards me I backed up, but he grabbed my hand then began to run. I was surprised, by Cody taking my hand and the fact that my cheeks were really warm. What was going on? (I have the answer now in the present, then I didn't know it but I was falling for Cody.)

We ran all the way to the lobby of the venue. I put my hands on my knees and panted. (I have asthma.)

"You okay?" Cody asked putting a hand on my back. Again he had a look of worry in his eyes.

"I'm fine I just have to take a break, my asthma is kicking in," I explained with deep breathes.

"Oh my god, I am so sorry Mila. I am so stupid," he said sitting on the floor.

"Don't beat yourself up cause you didn't know and also it isn't your fault I just have it," I explained sitting next to him.

"I still feel bad though," he said with a weak smile.

"Don't be just be glad I didn't have and asthma attack," I said leaning on his shoulder. I didn't even know why I did, but he didn't seem to care.

"You know what?" he asked.

"What?" I asked lifting my head. I had almost recovered.

"You are weird," he said poking my nose.

"Is that good or bad in your view?"

"It depends."


"If I like the person or not, just kidding I think we are all weird in our own way. Your's is cute."

"Thank you and yours is........," I was trying to think of a good way to describe him. "Yours is caring and silly weird, and that's what I know of so far."

"So far huh?" he asked standing up and helping me up after him.

"Yes, that is correct silly," I said walking away shaking my head.

Cody grabbed from behind and picked me up. He then started walking back into the concert hall," I have bait who ever is it."

"Your so mean Cody," I said laughing.

"Then why in the bloody world are you laughing?" he asked.

"Cause your silly remember," I replied raising an eyebrow.

"Don't worry I'll save you!" I hear Marcus scream from the balcony. He comes down and swoops me away. He sets me down a few feet from the stage,"There you are free now run."

I fall to the ground laughing, he was acting like a knight in shining armor. I started rolling round back and forth. Tears of joy coming from my eyes.

Thats when I couldn't breathe, it felt like my lungs were dry. I stopped rolling and began coughing. Marcus knelt beside me and then before I know it the rest of the band were around me. I could barely breathe.

"Some one call 911," I heard someone yell, I couldn't tell who it was over my coughing. I was being picked up.

Where was I going??? Who is carrying me???? Why is everything dark????

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