It wasnt my fault

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**Esme POV**

Why did he dare kiss me!? Did he plan this? Or was it just something out of the blue? Ugh I'm confused, I just need to get this anger out the best way I can. Once the boys left it was about 8:55 pm I had to get home but I just couldnt knowing Luis probably hates me. I went up to my CD player and inserted one of the songs my boy the weeknd gave me to dance and practice to. Once it started I let anger control my movement..............

***20 mins later****

Once I finished dancing to it for the second time without my heels I feel the urge to yell and dance hard core to one more song to let out these feelings............

***30mins later*****

I danced to a mix tape given to me for one of my tours and let me tell you I took every feeling out of my body and felt completely empty. While I was dancing I imagined Marko and what he did then I imagined what happened today, now I can't even describe how I feel. Luis is my everything but Zayn... I still love him and I can't get my mind off of the stupid kiss that probably ruined my damn relationship with luis! "Ugh!!!!" I slammed my fists to the wall, I didn't realize what I was doing till I felt pain rush all over my hand. I slowly looked down and saw blood on my knuckles and It hurted so badly but all I did was hold my hand and cried my heart out. I feel like a terrible person but I don't care right now I just want my mom next to me, hugging me, and helping me go through with all this. "I miss you mom I miss you soo much...*sobs* why couldn't you have listened to me when I told you Marko was no good for you that he is a dumbass a damn cheater...*sobing*" I didn't have the strength to get up so all I did way lean on the cold brick wall and close my eyes, letting myself cry to sleep once again.

**Zayns POV**

I have to go fix things but I don't know where to start. Do I go apologize to luis or to Esme first? Its best if I help Esme first then I'll explain to luis well and hope he doesn't hate me much. I grabbed my keys and hopped in my car, start it up, and drove to the studio to seek info where she might live.
**10mins later***

I got to the studio and saw Esme's car still outside, "So I guess she's still here I guess that's good for me." I parked my car next to hers, got out and went inside the building. It was quiet and dark so I stepped in further and looked around. I stopped and froze....
.......I saw Esme and there was blood around her arm and on the floor. She was passed out in the corner, her feet's looked bruised, and her makeup was ruin. I walked slowly up to her body and picked her up gently. I silently cried and took her to my car and laid her in the back. I climbed in the car and started it up, going to the hospital as quickly as I can even if I couldn't see right with tears coming down my face. When I arrived I got out of the car and went to go pick her up again, then I speed walked towards emergency and as soon as the doctors saw me they helped me with Esme. I didn't really know what was wrong with her but all that matters is that she's in safe hands and she will get very well soon. The doctors stopped me outside in the waiting room so I took this opportunity to call luis with Esme's phone.

**conversation with luis**


Luis its Zayn I know you hate me but I found Esme..

Where is she?!

She's in the hospital luis that's near the studio
What did you do to her?

Nothing I swear, I went to go to apologize to her first but wh-

Wait you were going to apologize? Wow I'm impressed Zayn.

Whatever anyways when I got there she was bleeding and more so I took her to the hospital quickly as I could.

Okay I'll be there soon Zayn

Alright bye.

**conversation ended**

Hope I did the right thing by calling Luis, or else I'm again fucking shit up. "Mr. Malik you may now go see your wife." I chuckled at that, "my wife" haha I love hearing that now anyways I went into the room where they had Esme and there was a nurse in there. "Ooh Mr. Malik what a pleasure to meet you, I'm sorry about your wife. Oh and sir don't cause the patient anything bad, thank you now I'll leave you too love birds alone." Once again I chuckled and sat down next to Esme. I grabbed her hand and gave it gentle kisses. "I'm so sorry I did this to you, I shouldn't have kissed you but my heart was leading me to do it. I can't over power my heart because you own my heart Esme and you over power me with your sweet beautiful amazing love. Your the only thing I think about now and its driving me insane when your not with me and that your sharing kisses with another guy. I still believe I have a chance with you and making you my wife for real and have all the kids you want. I really need you Esme I'm so sorry baby." I started to cry like I never have in a while now. "I love you Esme" I hid my face with my hands and 5 minutes later I heard a faint...........
.."I l-love you too Za-zayn.."

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