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As shoot went on Parth and Niti became friends and used to post selfies together.As both of them thought if they act friendly before camera fans would assume many things.So they started being formal with each other in interviews.Parth saw that utkarsh and niti have a very good bond nd thought they must be dating.He started being proffesional with Niti but Some where down the line he had started liking her.

Parth and Niti never used to sit together in interviews.But parth is parth he used to stare niti chori chori but niti used to catch him.She blushed after knowing that he was staring her.

Ayaz always tried to hook parth with niti.But parth used to always hook utkarsh with niti.

Once in a interview parth teased utkarsh about niti which niti didn't like and was hurt because of parth's behavior.

As the interview got over niti went back to her vanity and cried a lot.Charlie got to know she cried and went to talk to parth

Charlie;did u even think before teasing utkarsh about niti??did u even think niti has a family and all interviews of her are seen by her family???before also because of some rumor she had to answer her parents about her friendship with utkarsh.She is hurt by ur behavior.U know how much she cried

Parth;it was just a joke and she also knows there is something more between them so wats the problem 

Charlie;did u really said it.Did u even think before saying this.U should go and tell sry to her as she is hurt but u r trying to hook up utkarsh and niti have u lost it.

Parth;listen i didn't meant that i was just joking but if she felt bad i would talk to her 

Charlie;fine meet her nd sort out everything

Parth went to meet Niti.Niti was so hurt that she ignored parth and left

Charlie;did u sort out everything with her.did she forgive u??

parth;i think i said much in the interview.she didn't even saw me and left.i think i hurt her

Charlie;okay fine then talk to her tomorrow;bye good night

Parth;ya see u tomorrow  parth went back home and was thinking about niti only.

Next day on shoot 

Parth;hey hi niti good mrng.actually i need to talk to u 

Niti;good mrng.okay speak   Parth;actually niti i am sry i didn't want to hurt u.I was just...

Niti;Its okay i don't think about past so its sorted between us

As usual shoot went on parth used to get effected by niti,used to stalk niti's account nd used to stare her chori chori .


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