The Argument.

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Our screams bounced off the walls and echoed throughout the empty house. Another fight. Fighting never got us anywhere...

"Eli, you're making a big deal out of nothing!" I yelled at him, instantly regretting it when I saw him turn around and give me a death look.

"A 'big deal' Julia?" He walked closer to me, I inched backwards until I felt my back hit the cold wall. "You and him were basically groping each other!" He yelled into my face. Tears dared to fall but Eli wouldn't care, he would just feel accomplished.

I had been feeling really lonely since Eli had been attending therapy, he's been distant since he's been taking his anxiety pills also. So, I took matters into my own hand and decided to make a trip or two to a night club to get my mind off of him. One night, I met a guy named Justin. Justin filled the empty void that Eli left empty. He was my friend, but I guess that turned into a little more when we started spending more and more time with one another. In school, after school, on weekends. A rumor had went around that I had been cheating on Eli with Justin, that Eli didn't believe until today when he saw me and Justin flirting in the hall. It didn't end well for Justin, Eli had gotten suspended for almost beating Justin to death.

I told him to keep the PDA at a minimum.

The rumor wasn't true until a few nights ago. I had unintentionally slept with Justin.

"People think you're sleeping with him Julia!" he yelled, again. His temper is terrible, which is why he's in therapy and taking medication. The doctors are still trying to figure out what's really wrong.

I remained quiet. He noticed. He stared at me for a few moments, then stepped back when he realized I didn't deny that me and Justin had been having sex. "Julia." I heard him call out, in a dark sinister voice. I hated hearing that voice, it never ended well for either of us.

I looked up at Eli, the tears finally falling, but looked away again once he spoke. "You aren't sleeping with him...right?" he asked, trying to force a smile, failing terribly. I sobbed, putting my face to my hands, feeling guilty. I didn't hear yelling. I didn't hear fists connecting to the walls. This time, I heard the sound of a bag zipping. I slowly lifted my head and uncovered my eyes to find Eli throwing all of my belongings into a black, ripped duffle bag. I stared at him. "What are you doing?" I managed to choke out.

"I want you the hell out of here." He didn't look at me, he continued to put my things into a bag. I shook my head frantically. "No, Eli please." I began to cry. "I can't go back there, you know I can't go back there with her!" I said, referring to my malicious step-mother. She treated me like trash and blamed my fathers death on me every chance she got. She barely let me eat, made me stay in my room while guests were over and not to mention she calls me bad names all the time. I was grateful that Cece and Bullfrog let me stay here with them until I graduated in two years and me and Eli move out together, this cannot be happening...

When I noticed he didn't stop, I walked over to him and tried grabbing his arm for him to stop. "Eli, please just hear me out--"

"No!" He shouted, finally looking at me and I noticed something in his eyes that I had never seen before. Tears. My heart broke into a million pieces as I watched him struggle to keep himself together. He walked closer to me. "You're a whore." he stared deep into my soul as I stared back, not recognizing the boy I had fallen in love with. "I hate you and I want you out, now." He said to me, clenching his jaw and fists as he continued to stare down at me.

I couldn't believe it. This wasn't Eli, this wasn't my Eli. I had no idea who this boy standing before me was, and I'm pretty sure to him the feeling was mutual. Not knowing what to do next, I ran out of the room. I cried hard as I made my way downstairs and out of the front door. The rain hit me hard, but I didn't care. I just wanted to get away from here, away from this nightmare.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 24, 2015 ⏰

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