~ Diner date ~

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    When Castiel was out of school he didn't expect Dean to actually be there, he thought it was a joke. He started smoking his weed he got last night when he felt a hand on his arm. It scared Castiel so much he dropped his smoke. "What the hell!" Castiel yelled and picked it up. "Woah is that a drug?" "Ya why did you want some?" Castiel asked with a sassy voice. "No and you need to stop that it's not healthy" Dean said ripping the drug out of Castiels' hand and stomping on it. "What was that for?! I spent a lot of money on that!" "Its not healthy you need to stop." Dean said with a worried and angry look. "Whatever." Castiel said under his breath and stormed away. But of course Dean caught up to him. "I'm sorry but I'm not gonna let you do that to yourself!" Dean said "Why do you even care?! Why are you even here?" Castiel yelled. " Because I think your beautiful damnit!" Castiels face softened as he realized the boy cared about him. "I-I'm sorry, I'm just not used to people actually caring about me." "I don't want your pretty face to be ruined by those icky drugs. You need to stop." Castiel actually thought about it for a minute. It would save me a lot of money it would do me a lot of good to quit but it's not that simple. Castiel thought he might actually be in love with Dean Winchester. Woah woah wait you just met him you can't be in love with him. We'll just have to see how this date goes. Is it a date? "So do you still want to go?" Dean said with a questioning and worried look. "Ya let's go." They arrived at the diner and sat in a booth in the corner. "I love this place my dad used to bring me and my brother here all the time. Now I usually come here alone." "What happened to your dad?" Castiel asked. "Nothing he's just not around anymore his job has him moving all the time but me and Sammy stayed here, we got tired of moving around." Dean said looking out into nothing. "Sammy is your brother right?" "Yeah, but enough about me tell me about you." Castiel didn't know what to say "There's nothing really to tell. I have a pretty boring life." "Really because those drugs that you had tell me other wise." Castiel looked down, I am pretty ashamed about that maybe I should tell him why I had them? Tell him about myself? Ya I'm gonna do it! I really like him so far and I'm not gonna blow it by keeping something from him.
    Castiel told him everything. His father beat him when he was little and his mom passes away when he was a baby. He found drugs and they made him feel better. He doesn't really need them anymore and would love to quit but it's not really easy. He has spent so much money on them he doesn't even have running water. "I'll help you quit." Dean declared "If you let me." Castiel turned it over in his head a few times "Only if you really want to. I'm not going to hold you to anything." Dean got so excited, he would be able to spend even more time with Castiel. "How about you take all my drugs and burn them and then I wouldn't have anymore. It's not like I have any money to buy more with. Come to my apartment and get them." "Ok" Dean said with a smile. They walked to Castiels apartment and he opened up a hutch that was filled with them. "Oh my god Cas." Castiel began to cry harder than he ever has. He was so disappointed in himself. "Oh I didn't mean to make you feel bad, please stop crying." Dean said very worried. "It's not you I'm just so disappointed in myself." Dean pulled Castiel into a tight embrace "Its ok, it's ok, we're going to make it all better ok?" Castiel nodded into the crook of Deans neck. Castiel opened the door, he knew Dean wouldn't want to stay in his crappy apartment any longer than he had to. "Listen Cas I really really like you so I'm not gonna let you stay in this hole in the wall, I don't want to seem like I'm moving to fast but your going to stay in my guest bedroom at my house." Castiel was at a loss for words and then he could finally speak "Dean I can't let you do all of this for me, we just met." "But I want to and if you stay with us can make sure your not doing any more drugs and I get to see you everyday." Dean smirked. "Is that ok? Please say you'll stay with me?" Castiel nodded "ok, ok you have no clue how much your helping me I-I" he burst out crying "I know it's ok, go pack up your things your moving in with us right now."

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 24, 2015 ⏰

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