-Chapter 2-

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Touchdown and his gang sprinted towards the commotion. Once there, the found humans and cats alike screaming and running around frantically. They weaved their way past everyone, and found the most terrible thing.

There, a tail length away, was the most startling creatures Touchdown had ever seen.

They looked a bit like dogs, though he couldn't exactly remember what a dog looked like because the neighborhood hadn't had a dog in years. Most of the new creatures were black or grey, but there was one with some white in their fur every here and there. They smelled of rotten flesh, which sent a shiver down Touchdown's back. The beasts had sharp yellow teeth and razor sharp claws. Their lips were drawn into a snarl, and the one closest to his small group of friends howled, causing the other beasts to start racing towards the crowds of screaming humans and cats.

"Well, looks like we have company," Rufus mumbled sarcastically. "RUN!!!" Chocolate yowled. The group started running off, except for Touchdown, who was frozen right where he was. "Come on kid!" Rufus called, his voice filling with anger. "I... what... beasts..." mumbled Touchdown in a shocked voice. Queen nipped his tail, which definitely got him out of his trance. He yelped, and sprinted off into the crowd.


After they got fairly far from the beasts, Touchdown sat down. "What was that?" He asked Rufus slowly. "I don't know," Rufus answered, "But I know another cat who might."

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 24, 2015 ⏰

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