I Love You

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~Time Skip: July 4th, day before the World Cup Final~

Third Person P.O.V.

"Alright, ladies!" Mia said. "I know today is the fourth of July, and the day before the final. You all have been working hard and kicking butt this whole tournament, so I'm giving you a day off today. The American Outlaws are having a fireworks display on the beach tonight, and I've reserved a spot for us, but if anyone does anything stupid, you will sit the final. Do I make myself clear?" "yes, Coach." the team all said. "You know, it's kind of hard for you to act stern and for us to take you seriously when we all know you snog Abby." Pinoe said. "Shut it, Pinoe." Abby said. That evening, the team was on the section of beach that Mia had reserved for them. There was a small bluff overlooking the ocean, and a small trail going down to the shore. Sitting on the bluff, Mia leaned her head on Abby's shoulder. "Have you ever thought about how lucky we are?" Abby asked. "Who?" Mia asked. "You. Me. All of us." Abby said. "Just look around." Mia did so, and saw all the couples on the team. Thalia and Tobin were playing soccer tennis, using a rock on the beach as a net. Hope and Carli were walking down the beach eating ice cream. Pinoe and Alex were in the surf, having a splash fight with JJ and Press. Cheney and Arod were playing 2v2 soccer against Ali and Ashlyn. "Yeah. I guess we are lucky." Mia said. "The fireworks display will be starting in five minutes." a voice on a loudspeaker announced. Tobin and Thalia came up from the beach to sit next to Abby and Mia, and Abby ruffled her younger sister's hair. Thalia smacked her hand away, grinning, and Tobin put her arm around the tiny forward's shoulder. The fireworks started, lighting up the sky with brilliant flashes of red and blue, green starbursts, and showers of silver and gold. "I love you." Abby whispered to Mia. "I love you." Tobin whispered to Thalia. "I love you." Hope whispered to Carli. "I love you." echoed all over the beach as couples hugged each other close. 

Meeting MiaOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora