On The Sidewalk Bleeding

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On The Sidewalk Bleeding

By S''a C''''''y, 09//21//15

I sat at my desk in my small office, coughing every once in awhile from the dust floating around the tight space. My mind began to wander as I, the rookie, wondered if I would ever get a real case. I turned my head to the side to look at my filing cabinet and noticed a drawer open and extremely messy. Standing up, I decided to sort those stinking files. The files were all past, small cases. Mainly petty burglaries and tiny death threats. A few suicide threats and hospitalization cases for suicidal attempts. Beginning with the last letter of the alphabet at the back of the drawer, I began sorting files based on the names of the criminals or mentally ill people.

A shiver ran through my body and I instantly reached for the jacket over my chair. The soft red colour blazed against the black leather office chair and I smiled at the wording across the back, and the small logo on the chest area over the heart. The Guardians. The lettering was in black cursive, while the logo was a silver knight's helm, with the gang name small but beneath it. Slipping the sleeves on, I shrugged a bit violently to get the jacket over my shoulders. I would never wear this in public, dear God no! What if a Royal came and ambushed me? I scoffed. I'm not that stupid.

I turned back to the files and lifted one of many suicide attempt cases. It read,

Olivia Jones

Age 13


Says she's bullied and wants it all to end.

Overdose on Acetaminophen//Tylenol.

Hospitalized for 24 hours, on IVs.

Took twelve pills, close to severe liver damage.

Blood tests came back negative for damage.


A frown coated my lips as I read the file. That poor girl... so young. She didn't deserve that. I jumped, dropping the file, papers scattering, as the high pitched phone rang. I scrambled to my small desk and took a seat, quickly answering the call.

"Hello?" I asked, my voice barely audible, unable to remember the line I'm supposed to say, which was, "911, what's your emergency?"

"Yes, hello!" A female voice exclaimed. "M-my boyfriend! He... He's bleeding bad, and I think he's dead!"

"Ma'am, please, calm down... Tell me your name and location please." I calmly requested. The way I had to remain so calm and stoic, unemotional, sickened me. I glared down at my desk as I listened for the woman's response. Her softly high voice sounded young, so I assumed she was around 15, 16 years old. After a couple sobs she finally replied.

"My name... y-yes... Laura... Um I'm in an alley between the local candy store and Alfredo's. Please, send help... please!" Her shaky voice made me have to strain to listen to her, but I made out her explanation well enough.

"Alright. Thank you, Ma'am. Please, stay where you are, and I will be there soon with backup and paramedics." Just as I hung up, I heard a soft whisper saying thank you...

I grabbed the walkie talkie a little bit off of my uniform shirt and pressed a black button. It made a brief static sound and I spoke into it. "Attention officers, I'm requesting backup for a 10-54, possible dead body. Send paramedics and meet in the alley between local candy store and Alfredo's ASAP. Officer Jared, rookie, out." I shrugged my jacket off, dropping the walkie talkie to my chest, and grabbed my gun, slipping it into its sheath. I ran out to my car as fast as I could and jumped into the driver seat. My head pounded with adrenaline as I started the engine and zoomed out of the station parking lot, to the scene, with my sirens blaring. As I entered the alley, a young woman, I'm assuming Laura, stared in relief at my car. She was caught in the headlights and I put the car in park. I got out of the car and approached her.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 25, 2015 ⏰

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