The Find

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It all started when you were on your walk home from was nearly pitch black and you could barely see your hands in front on you.As you passed the many lit buildings and groups of friends you smiled,no matter what was gong on with you everyone else seemed fine.Soon you reach the bridge that your house was near and begun to walk over soon as your feet hit you hear singing,the song sounded nice but the voice was sad.As you continue you spot a man with turquoise hair standing on the railing and watching the few white petals that fell into his palm.Out of curiosity you call to him and say
"Are you okay?"
He stops and turns to you then smiles kindly,says just loud enough for you hear
".....soon I will be"
Calmly takes a step forward and falls toward the cold water,you run to where he once stood...stares blankly at the falling man.He still had a smile pasted on his face as he hit the water but you reacted like any normal person would,yelled for help.Soon a few people rush over and one calls 911,as the man speaks his voice was panicked but the cop understood the situation and rushed over.He looked over and saw no one in the water,instead of reassuring you he'd help he looks at you and says
"We can't save everyone...sorry"
Walks away and the crowd starts to disperse and go back to what they were doing,but you couldn't believe his words at all.The cop gave up before he could even try to help plus it didn't help that the ground left leaving you alone to deal with this.Instead of leaving things as they were you run off to the other side of the bridge and take off your jacket and shoes,spots him floating down the water and jumps in without hesitation.As you swim toward him you realize how cold the water is and speeds up this rescue,he had his eyes closed and seemed to let the water carry him away.Soon you reach him and grab the collar of his shirt...his body was ice cold,as you reach the shore of the river you quickly pull him out and sit hm on the grass.Puts your ear to his heart and hears a slight beat from it...but it was very weak and he didn't seem to be moving at all.You lay on hi to warm him up and seem slightly happier
'I got him out of the I need to get him warm so his heart doesn't stop'
After 30 minutes he starts to move and you sit up,stares at him and smiles
"He's not dying.....better then being frozen"
Stands up then picks him up off the grass,slings him over your shoulder and heads back toward the bridge.Soon you reach it and pick up your things,starts t head to what you called was just a rundown cheap house but it was all you needed.After walking for about an hour you reach your house and sigh
'Why is he so heavy......'
Unlocks the door and opens it,walks in and heads to your living room then lays lays him on the couch.Takes off his wet clothes and wraps him in a towel
"That should do till he wakes up"
Dries yourself off with another towel then sneezes,wipes your nose and makes an annoyed sound then picks him back up and carries him to the guest room.Lays him in the bed and covers him up so his body would get warmer faster then heads to your bathroom.Takes a long hot shower and walks into your room and changes into some dry clean clothes,plops on your bed and sighs
"Today was eventful....saw a guy jump,saved him and learned I need t exercise"
As you lay in your bed and cover up you fall asleep though you were still worried about the guest you just brought home.

I wonder what your surprise for tomorrow will be...
Only way to find out is to wait

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