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What does it take for a person to stand up? Or collapse completely?

"Katie? What kind of name is that?" The leader of a Red gang tilted her head in disgust, while her fellow Red minions almost simultaneously sneered. "Kate is a much better name."

That's when it all started.

A hot, dry Wednesday afternoon. Students aimlessly scribbled on pieces of paper, or typed discreetly on their phones when the teacher droned on and on about an equation. The few who understood what she said sat quietly at the back of the classroom, silently counting the minutes down until they're freed. I was daydreaming, letting the background buzz from my mind take over until I was brought back to reality by a few scrunched pieces of paper that hit me. I glared back at the direction it came from, only to see the usual suspects sniggering, wearing a triumphant smirk on their faces. Typical. More and more agitated shuffling, then everyone rushed out of the room like wasps out of a hive the second the bell rang - a sharp ringing noise that alerted everyone of their freedom.

I stumbled, pushed and overwhelmed by the inebriating scent of perfume and cigarettes. I shook my head. The one thing that didn't change.

This is what you get. I paused, only to get pushed again.

This is what you get for being a blue. I stumbled again. Who said that?

In mere seconds, the classroom emptied. Despite the hurry, the corridor was still filled with people walking at a leisurely pace. I mumbled a few "excuse me"s to squeeze past the crowd, only to see the blue school bus begin to shudder in preparation and hear the engine roar into the distance.


KatieOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora