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"Ready?" A petit blue girl asked. Her wavy hair showed that she was from the Aquamarine-Blue section, although her natural mousy-brown was showing up at the root. Rebel. I nodded, shakily, wondering how stupid it was.

"Don't worry. The newcomers are always nervous at first. No one dies." She rolled her eyes, as if she had recited this a million times. She's from the Rainbows. An association that tries to stop the government from making colours unequal. Protesters, they had called it before the war. That was before it was made illegal.

"You're Katie, right?" She asked.

"Silver-Blue #08273021." I replied, giving her a brief salute.

"That's not your real name."

This is stupid. I heard Kate's voice mutter.

But as least we have to try. We have to try to make it right.

For once, Kate's voice didn't disagree.

"Right." I nodded, with confidence. "I'm Katie."

The End.

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